My perfect day starts at 4:00 am (literally) and waking up rested and refreshed (almost never with a 3 year old and a 1 year old). I get a big glass of water, a cup of coffee, do some work on the computer and then do my P90X workout. I […]
I’m Carl Daikeler, CEO of Product Partners, a marketing company which has specialized in developing fitness and weight loss products under the Beachbody brand since 1998. My CEO motivation was to become a “walking billboard†for the business, and it occurred to us that my CEO-motivation to succeed could […]
The therapeutic benefits of regular exercise are well documented. Study after study has shown that it increases health and general well being. It’s been said that if exercise were a drug, it would be the most powerful medication on earth. However, it still seems difficult to get people to workout […]
It can be discouraging when our results don’t seem to match the efforts we’re putting in. But instead of giving up on our fitness program, or worse, diving into the Twinkies (trust me, you’ll regret it!), try making just a few, easy changes to your diet and lifestyle that will […]
There are those who can come home after a long day’s work and somehow whip up a healthy full-course meal. Then there are the rest of us who barely have enough energy to crack open a fresh tube of Pringles before parking our rear on the couch for the night. […]
“Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” M. Scott Peck The perception of no time to work out is one of the main reasons people on the Message Boards give for not exercising regularly. Even […]
Do you have more trouble choosing a workout program or starting the one you just bought? Are you an early morning exerciser or do you Push Play whenever you can grab a few minutes of uninterrupted time? See which of the six fitness personality types best describes you then find […]
When we began paying commissions on sales of Beachbody products to our customers, with an incentive for them to bring in additional reps to spread the word, the only customer complaints pertained to the seedy reputation of other multi-level marketers as a “pyramid scheme”. That reputation is largely due to […]
Have you ever written an email and wished that more people could read it than just the recipient? Such is the case with an email that I just wrote to someone in response to them saying that a certain workout program was a little overwhelming now because of changes that […]
The last time that I won something, if I remember correctly, was at the Belle Mead Fair the night before I left for Boy Scout Camp and it was on a borrowed nickel. I am 56 now. Actually I had the incentive to win, because I had tried and tried […]
I am an Ambassador of Fitness. Will you join me in my quest? Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor from Reuters Health News wrote an article August 28, parts of which I will quote here: Americans are fatter than ever, with obesity rates up in most states and fewer people […]