I’ve been in the fitness business since 2003. I’ve pretty much heard almost every excuse out there. I’m sure I’ve used a few myself. People tend to make every excuse they can when it comes to exercises & eating right. So many people come to me & say they want […]
This Saturday and Sunday, Team Beachbody ® will take a stand for humanity and come together with a common mission: to End the Trend ® of obesity and help more people than ever lead healthy, fulfilling lives. If you heard Carl on this week’s National Coach Call, you have an […]
I’ve been on a roll and posting some things on Facebook that weren’t exactly politically correct. Here are just a few: Scott posted about food regulation and I personally think that people are just plain stupid to eat the way that they do. “I don’t eat any junk food, […]
Which antidepressant is right for you – pills or a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise? More than one in 10 Americans over the age of 12 takes an antidepressant, a class of drugs that has become wildly popular in the past several decades, U.S. government researchers said today. Antidepressants […]
I had today’s newsletter all done in my head and I just had to put it on “paper” and send it out. Then I read something by one of my fellow Team Beachbody Coaches, Julie Ann Price, and I knew that I had to share it with you today. As […]
When choosing a workout program to fit into your lifestyle, there are many considerations including weight loss and fitness goals, your interests(dance, kickbox, martial arts, sports), level of difficulty, and time. Not everyone will enjoy or benefit from the same program. However, every effective workout program must contain three […]
I am a voracious reader when it comes to faith, family and fitness and Thursday I read an article in the New York Times that I find disturbing. It is entitled, “China’s Next Revolution Is in Fitness” which on the surface doesn’t seem that interesting or significant but this line […]
Do you know why you do what you do – your “why” that everyone says that you have to have to be successful? Do you know why things have happened in your life that have changed the course of your life and you didn’t understand until some time later? My […]
A little story about crabs in a basket posted by Patty Sweeney Corrigan on Facebook If you place a sole crab in a stock pot and heat it, it will readily attempt to climb out, it will escape, and potentially achieve freedom! However, if you place two or three crabs […]
What If I Don’t Know People Interested In Starting Their Own Business? 7 Steps to Expanding Your Circle to Include the “Right” People A common problem new coaches and people considering joining Beachbody as a coach, is that there are few people in their immediate circle who are interested in […]
Are you uncomfortable with selling? Well, then you would be just like the majority of people on this planet. Sorry if you thought you were alone in this. Most people shy away from direct sales businesses because they are uncomfortable with the selling process. So what can you do […]
School is back in session which means a lot more structured schedules, homework, after school activities, and PLANNING. Time management and prioritization can be challenging, especially when trying to live a healthy lifestyle. I’m still struggling with my family’s new scheduling routine this school year. With three […]
Is Team Beachbody A Scam? This is a great question. The world is so saturated with weight loss products, programs and advice. Deep down you know much of it is total garbage but how can you sort the good stuff out from the scams? Legit Vs. Scam […]
Is BeachBody a Scam? This is a great question. There world is so saturated with weight loss products, programs and advice. Deep down you know much of it is total garbage but how can you sort the good stuff out from the scams? Legit Vs. Scam A good […]
Fitness and nutrition have a huge impact on how old you look and feel. I truly believe that age is just a number, and you can become fit and healthy at any age. I just celebrated another birthday yesterday, and I am now the young age of….41! I feel […]
This morning, I read this headline, “Obesity to Worsen, Weigh Heavily on Healthcare Costs“. The article went on to say that “If present trends continue, about half of both men and women in the United States will be obese by 2030, health experts warned”. What is most tragic about this […]
There’s that word mission again. I recently used it in another blog post and stated how I can’t say, “mission accomplished”. This time, though, it is so appropriate because the Team Beachbody community is on a mission to end the trend of obesity and the epidemic of diabetes. […]
Can I Make Money With BeachBody? You may have been involved with other direct sales businesses in the past and not made any money. It is completely understandable that you want to know if you will actually make money with BeachBody before you join. The true answer to “Can […]
I am about to go on a rampage of outrage because of the state of this country right now and we are all in some way responsible. If you don’t think that the fate of this country is in our hands, then think again. Here are some statistics that speak […]
Is A Boot Camp Right For You Does just the mere name “Boot Camp” make you uncomfortable? Do you think only the super fit can do a boot camp style workout? I want you to dismiss any thought that you can’t do a boot camp – if you are […]
Do I Have to “Sell” To My Friends & Family? By Julie Ann Price One of my personal pet peeves about home businesses is that the first piece of advice you always get upon starting your business is to make a list of 100 friends and family and go sell […]
According to Wikipedia, “Happy Hour is a marketing term for a period of time in which a restaurant or bar offers discounts on alcoholic drinks, such as beer, wine, and cocktails. Typically, it is in the late afternoon Monday through Thursday, usually taking place at some period between 4 PM […]
Does Age Matter When It Comes to Insanity? Some Beachbody customers have asked if you reach a point where you are too old to do Insanity. Check out this Insanity post by Jessica Jorge Watters and get the answer. Leave a comment if you’ve done Insanity and how young […]
Can I do This? Are you considering becoming a Beachbody coach and asking yourself, “Can I Do This?” This is a critical question for you to answer before you start any business. So let’s take a look at whether or not you can be successful as a BeachBody coach. […]
Julie Ann Price I have been called a serial entrepreneur. The first time I heard that I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing but I have since decided it fits me perfectly. I love to take an idea and research all I can about it. Then I turn […]
I’m a wife and stay at home mom of 4. I started out in the fitness industry as a personal trainer. Pilates instructor and group exercise instructor. It became increasingly difficult to train my clients, teach classes with my husband’s busy work schedule & worrying about who would watch the […]
Shakeology 101 What is Shakeology and is it worth the price tag? That is the most frequent question I get about the Beachbody nutritional line. Let’s shed some light with Shakeology 101. Shakeology 101 – Shake Type Shakeology is a meal replacement shake as opposed to a protein shake. […]
Are you wondering if Insanity is for you? Have you taken a look at the workouts and asked yourself – “why would anyone want to do a workout that hard?” Yes, Insanity is that tough, so is it for you? If you like a challenge, then you might […]
10 Favorite Foods for My Family Trying to eat healthy and feed our families the best foods can sometimes be difficult. Knowing what foods to choose and how to prepare them doesn’t have to be hard. There are many nourishing foods you can simply add to your diet, without a […]
Achieving results for your weight loss, fitness and health goals can be frustrating, especially if you want instant gratification. Just like anything worth having, consistency, commitment, and patience will prevail! Here are a few thoughts I want to share with you to help keep you motivated and successfully achieve your […]
I just wanted to write a quick post and update you on what I’ve been doing. I just about completed Insanity, got all the way to last week of month 2. I had Asylum sitting here waiting for me since April and I had mixed feelings about starting this […]
Sometimes things happen that are out of our control, but it’s how we deal with them that can make or break us. As I have written before, I have a history of back issues due to an injury that happened back in 2000. Every once in a while […]
I like to stay positive but since I watched the clips from the film Food Matters some things have bothered me. I posted the clip on my wall on Facebook and figured this could be good motivation. For years I have known people, my mother being one, whose doctors tell […]
Teaching my children to make healthy choices including nutritious foods and good exercise habits is a powerful priority for me. Establishing a strong and positive foundation for a healthy lifestyle now in my children will enable them to be successful into adulthood, and lessen their risk for diabetes, heart disease, […]
My good friend Stephanie Goetsh, founder of HerExchange.com, has come together with me on an Insane journey to Insanity: The ASYLUM. Here’s what she has to say so far… A couple of weeks ago I (Stephanie Goetsch) got a call from a friend of mine, Diana Collins. […]
Ever wonder why kids have a never ending source of energy? Watching my kids run around outside enjoying the fresh air and having fun made me think. My children are much happier, more energized, and have better concentration after enjoying physical activity. Everyone can experience these results and feel the […]
Empanadas have become a favorite easy recipe whenever I make a roast chicken or turkey. Traditionally empanadas are stuffed with beef and cheese, then deep fried. But this version is made healthier by baking the empanadas, using roast chicken or turkey breast, adding beans and less cheese. You may […]
Over the course of the last day and a half, I have read and seen so much about how Osama Bin Laden was relentlessly pursued until he was eventually found and justice was served. It took almost 10 years and obviously there were many setbacks and disappointments, but the ultimate […]
Last week I set my plan, finish my advanced round of Power90, then move on to Insanity: The Asylum. Two days later, my shoulder said, not so fast. I woke up and couldn’t lift my arm much above my waist. Ouch! Did I overdo it? Possibly, but I don’t think […]
I do believe Asylum is my favorite workout program to date! All the workouts in this program are created to prepare you for Game Day, the first of which is on day 11. I was nervous for Game Day since Vertical Plyo is the craziest workout ever created […]
I’m almost done with week 4 of Insanity. I never thought I’d say it, but I really love it now. Last summer, I missed Tony Horton so much while Shaun T. put me through so much torture. But I think Shaun has won my heart, although I will always […]