Helping Keep Bodies Fit and Healthy with BODi

What Fitness Program is Right For You and Your Goals?

When choosing a workout program to fit into your lifestyle, there are many considerations including weight loss and fitness goals, your interests(dance, kickbox, martial arts, sports), level of difficulty, and time. Not everyone will enjoy or benefit from the same program.   However, every effective workout program must contain three components: cardio, strength training, and flexibility training. Staying committed to daily exercise comes from seeing and feeling positive changes in your body and mind. The right program for you should keep you interested, motivated, and deliver results so you want to come back for more.

I was never enthusiastic about exercise until I found the right workout programs for me. Now, I get excited about my workouts because of the feeling and the results I get when I’m finished! It’s a natural “high” of endorphins flaring with less stress, more happiness and strength, and a powerful balance of my body and mind.   If I didn’t enjoy the workout or experience results, I wouldn’t be so committed to working hard each day to get it done. There are plenty of days that I don’t feel like exercising, but once I do,   I never regret it.   I think back to how just a few years ago, my exercise was walking on a treadmill and doing some light hand weights. I couldn’t do a push up or a pull up, and I never thought I could. With little balance and flexibility, many exercises became a struggle. I took it one day and one exercise at a time. Each day I got stronger and added more intensity and power to my workout routine. I learned that we are all a lot stronger and capable than we think.

There will always be challenges for every level of fitness, but the first step is to start by finding a program that fits you and your lifestyle, goals, etc.   Beachbody programs worked for me and delivered fantastic results.   All the programs come complete with nutrition guides, fitness guides and combine cardio, weight training and flexibility training to work your entire body.   There are so many programs to choose from offering beginner to advanced levels, yoga, dance, faith-based, kids’ programs, and even a 10 minute program. P90X was my first challenge that I conquered with “muscle confusion” success!   I started slow doing push ups on my knees and pull ups with resistance bands until I built up enough strength to do the exercises Tony Horton style.   It’s definitely an advanced program, but it can be   modified and will guarantee amazing results if followed properly.   Next, I chose Brazil Butt Lift and Hip Hop Abs since I love to dance, and thought they would be fun. I enjoyed them, and got better results than I expected, including a total of 9 inches lost from my lower body, but I was craving more intensity. That’s when I became a TurboFire fanatic!

TurboFire definitely fit my personality the best with its motivating music and fast paced choreographed kickboxing as one of the hardest cardio conditioning programs.   The High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT) is definitely no joke! You go at your toughest intensity level for a minute and then break until the next one begins. It definitely keeps you pumped up and “on fire”!   My flexibility level was greatly increased, I noticed more muscle definition in all areas, and my cardio workouts are now easier.   I finished TurboFire and loved it so much that I did a second round adding in the advanced TurboFire workouts, including a Fire 60 and a HIIT 30: WOWZA!!! What else ya’ got for me, Chalene?? Not wanting to give up my TurboFire or Chalene Johnson as my trainer, but needing a little more variety,   I   decided to do a hybrid of   Chalene Extreme and TurboFire. I love Chalene Extreme with its weight lifting routines and intervals. This program is modifiable to many fitness levels depending on the amount of weight you use. You’ll cycle through burn, push and lean circuits, using a variety of reps, weights, and pace.   Building up your muscle endurance and strength will cause your body to burn more fat and become tone, lean and strong. What’s next? I’ll always be adding more programs to continue my “training” for a healthy life. I’m looking forward to P90X2 and Insanity in the future. I’m also psyched up for the making of TurboFire 2 and other new Beachbody programs including Tai Chi and Bodypump!

Whatever workout you choose, make sure you enjoy it and it fits your needs. If you love running, yoga, pilates, biking…don’t stop!   There are plenty of programs you could add into your routine. No matter what exercise you choose, just do it with your greatest intensity. If you make your workouts harder,   you can make them shorter. I would love to help you reach your goals, guide you in selecting the right fitness program or meal plan, or just support you as your free coach with any fitness program or nutrition advice. Look around my website and contact me for any assistance at

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