Hope, optimism and health. Turn it into an acronym, repeat three times fast and you have “Hoh, hoh, hoh”. I love finding out the origins of famous phrases…! We’ve been getting some good news lately – wow, we can shoot at and hit a satellite traveling at 17,000 miles an […]
The power of hope and optimism, or the lack thereof, has a powerful impact on our health. News stories can make or break our days. Seeing hope in a time of crisis can turn around our life outlook. Being optimistic will carry us through even the toughest situations. This week’s […]
At other times in my life, the reason that I haven’t blogged since Wednesday would be attributed to poor health. It is not the case this time. In fact, I have been quite busy and have accomplished a lot in terms of my mission to spread the gospel of fitness. […]
Do you have a vision of your life or your body that the light of hope is quickly going out on? My light of hope revolves around my ability to run, which has become so challenging that I thought that the melted wax under the wick of the candle of […]
I have a stress problem. I guess that I have been in denial for a long time, because now that I have given up stress cold turkey, I realize how good I can feel and how badly I felt. Whether you have a stress problem or not, this week’s articles […]
If what I am reading is true, I may not be around a lot longer. My long term goal is to live to 105, but unless I can repulse the attack of the killer stress, then it could get ugly! If you adhere to the “everything happens for a reason” […]
Turning the Corner That Never Came It would be good for you to first understand what I was doing in my last job before you know what my job is like now. Up until last year, I was a Polar Authorized Internet Dealer, selling Polar heart rate monitors and accessories […]
Over the past 25 years (in a 42 year running career), I have used probably a dozen different ways of tracking my workouts and my progress. Ranging from the Runner’s World Runner’s Log to my first computer that had a printer with paper with the little holes on the side […]
I am finally vindicating, 31 years later, the college guidance counselor who determined that my best career paths would be as a brick layer or a minister. I certainly would like to think that my advice and guidance is helping to give people a strong foundation to build their fitness […]
The Past My identity is wrapped up in being a runner. After almost 42 years of running, it is part of my fiber. But instead of being my best friend like it used to be, because of a moment in time in May 1983, I realize now, that it was […]
Ok, so I had the newsletter done and got it out early this morning, but when I was running a while later, I realized that I hadn’t posted the articles. I always wear a Camelbak with my cell phone in case there is a kid emergency, my keys and a […]
Had I written this blog last week, it would have been titled, “Negative Thinking, Negative Habits, Negative Change” because a stomach virus started wreaking havoc within my body early last Monday morning and was quite successful in preventing me from having those positive thoughts that keep me going every day […]
Team Beachbody is not a quick weight loss program. Team Beachbody does not sell weight loss drugs or gimmicky, useless fitness equipment. It is not promoting quick fixes for anything. Team Beachbody is hundreds of thousands of people just like you and me working together in a national fitness community […]
I just got off a radio interview with one of our newest coaches, Neil Anderson, a trainer and radio host of The Health and Fitness Zone in Salt Lake City. During the conversation, we came up with the concept of how trainers can actually expand their business and better serve […]
I was doing really well for a month. I got in some good workouts in January and visions of fitness danced in my head. Then along came a virus that sat down beside me and now those visions have gone down the toilet, so to speak. What? Although I got […]
Seeing the Giants, a wild card team, win the Super Bowl is a perfect example of the power of positive thinking as they denied the New England Patriots the chance to complete a perfect season. As Eli Manning said, “There’s something about this team. The way we win games, and […]
Carl Daikeler has an interesting theory, presented here, that people are now waiting until after the Super Bowl to start their resolutions, given the drop in people actually starting their resolutions on New Year’s Day. Let’s see what the CEO has to say: Running a weight loss and fitness company […]
It is named as such because, this year, that Monday is about starting your weight loss cycle the right way – with the kind of accountability that we know leads to real success. The “Before photo” gives you instant accountability. (If you want to drive to a new destination, the […]
Ironically the theme this week is positive thinking and given the Giants shocking upset victory over the New England Patriots, it is a well timed subject. As Eli Manning said, “There’s something about this team. The way we win games, and performed in the playoffs in the stretch. We had […]
I wrote in another blog about how I am a “late adapter”, meaning that all of those things that to younger generations are second nature – texting, getting email on their phones, etc. – are more challenging and frankly not worth figuring out. My fingers are way too big to […]
Let’s face it, we’re not talking about the stories of persistence of some very well known people, we’re talking about taking one day at a time and fitting in and accomplishing your workout. According to Jack Canfield and Mark V Hansen in Chicken Soup for the Soul, “Albert Einstein did […]
Budgets are on everyone’s minds these days and balancing one presents significant challenges for most of us. But what about your time budget? Unlike financial budgets, everyone on earth has the same amount to work with and that is 24 hours. You may be blessed to have a lot of […]
This week’s theme is time management and fitting workouts into your busy schedules. Obviously, since it is already mid-afternoon and I am just posting the articles, I need to work on my own scheduling. This week’s articles are: Fitting Workouts into Your Busy Schedule Stick With Your Workout Plans The […]
In order to give you more resources to eat right and to fuel your body properly, I wanted to let you know about a six-part series on my site entitled “Nutrition 911”. Although I would like you to read all six, I will list them so that you can choose […]
Hi! My name is Grace Abigail Dafter and I am 3 years old. My Dad has an Internet business and now I do, too! You can see me in my office, playing with my toys and my best friend Angel. I also work out like my Dad does and you, […]
I wanted to end the week with some good ideas for books on nutrition. Â If you’re like me, I get an email from Borders each week with a coupon for a discount on one thing or another. Â You can probably also finds these books in the library. Â […]
One James A. Garfield (no, not the President who was assassinated since he died in 1881, but I don’t know which one) said, “Man cannot live by bread alone, he needs peanut butter”. Knowing what I do about peanut butter, it probably couldn’t have been eaten by President Garfield (unless […]
You know those bumper stickers that say, “My money and my kid go to __________”. Well my money and my money goes to Whole Foods and I spend roughly 25% of my income there to feed a family of five. No, not because Whole Foods is affectionately known as “Whole […]
Teaching a child the importance of good nutrition is giving them a good start in life. Â My three year old does not eat well and when she doesn’t eat and doesn’t drink, she isn’t merry. Â Instead, she is lethargic and moody. Â Perhaps when we as adults have […]
In remembrance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day, there was no class today. An extraordinarily gifted man, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. became at 35, the youngest person to have won the Nobel Peace Prize. He was awarded five honorary degrees, was named Man of the Year by […]
What will it take for you to be motivated and have a laser like focus on success? For David (see his story in this post below) it was being 19 years old and 360 pounds. For Chris Gardner, it was being homeless and having your two year old son with […]
A doctor telling him that, “in order to save your own life, it is vital that you get healthy” was David’s motivation, at 19 and weighing 360 pounds, to start losing weight. At that weight, he was convinced that he’d never lose the weight, but he never let the challenges […]
Whether you have a history of heart disease or cancer in your family, the numbers on the scale keep moving upward, you want to look good for an important event like a wedding or the mirror on the wall is giving you negative feedback, there is something to give you […]
This week’s theme is motivation and its role in your success. These are the Week Three Articles: Self Concept and Self Sabotage Negative Self Talk – Choose To be Positive The 9 Attitudes & Mental States of Ferocious, Eye of the Tiger Motivation Stay Motivated by Refocusing Your Goals BeachBody […]
If you have been following the class, then you will know that the theme of the first week was resolutions and having a purpose and the second week focused on the success that you can achieve when you are resolved to succeed. This week the theme is motivation. I am […]
And thus began the thirteenth year…. I hope with all my heart that the words after that beginning to this chapter in the story of my life will be uplifting positive ones. This month marks the beginning of my thirteenth year of conveying my passion for fitness and health on […]
Talk is cheap and if you are from Missouri, seeing is believing (you know, the Show Me State). This week’s theme is about achieving success after learning last week about keeping our resolve and having a purpose to achieve our goals. It is so much easier to work out if […]
Grace and I go to the gym every day. She either plays or has her Mighty Mites fitness class and I go run. Every time that I take her to class we walk through the “gym” which has, on the left, row after row of treadmills, stationary bikes and ellipticals […]
I wanted to write a blog this morning entitled “Fired Up For Fitness” (which I will do) and thought that it might have been a slogan that I saw on a T-shirt. Googling allows us to find variations of every phrase that you can think of, but one of the […]
Forum posts week of 01/07/08 “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” – Proverbs 23:7 Articles for the week of 01/07/08 What You Think is What You’ll Get How To Overcome Your Fear Of Success Enjoy Success Without Aiming For It How To Achieve Future Success Success […]
Although Albuquerque isn’t part of the US considered the “Bible Belt“, we have our fair share of churches. We are also in one of the best parts of the country for fitness – 300 or more days of sun every year, little snow, sleet or freezing rain and the bulk […]
I have a genetic “defect”. I share the same “symptoms” that my parents did, which is to be giving beyond my means. They lived a life that was poor in terms of material wealth, but rich in terms of helping others and I am seemingly destined to do the same. […]