Team Beachbody has a game plan for you. It’s not, buy this or take that, but a well thought out plan that will take you from where you are to where you want to be. Whether you are 360 pounds and need to lose weight to get in […]
Yearly Archives: 2009
Running comes as easily to me as breathing, but coming back from more than a month long illness which included a bout with swine flu is presenting a challenge. I ran for just over 25:00 and then did 8 reps of 5 upper body exercises and was really quite tired […]
Since my Dad was a farmer, I saw him working every day. Because I do something that I love to do, I’ve adopted his lifestyle and don’t think a thing of it. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, though, I battled the H1N1 virus and working every day became quite […]
Okay, I googled, “minutes spent exercising in U.S.” and the second article was from an analysis by researches at the University of California, Berkeley. Since I want to give them full credit and a link back to their article, you can find it here. But just in case […]
I get an inspirational email every day from Insight of the Day, and yesterday was no exception. On Friday, it is called, “Friday Story” and instead of being a quote, it is an inspirational story. Relying on their honesty, this is supposed to be a true story and […]
Two of my biggest heroes are George Bailey from the movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life” and John Beresford Tipton from the TV series, “The Millionaire” (yes, I used to watch it). As you read this, don’t be disappointed if Michael Anthony isn’t knocking on your door, because right about now […]
You may or may not have seen the ads for Shakeology on the Internet and if you did, you may have just passed them by. Frankly, healthy food does not have the same lure as a Deluxe Value Meal for $2.99 but for $3.49, Shakeology is a highly nutritious meal […]
A lot of Internet sites have been featuring an ad on their homepages for a $2.99 Deluxe Meal and I was so lured to the idea of getting a deluxe meal for $2.99 that I had to click on it. The meal comes in two versions, the Double Junior Cheeseburger […]
Napoleon Hill was in his early 20’s, a young journalist, when he was given a 3 hour interview with Carnegie. The following was written by Napoleon Hill. This is all in the archives of the Napoleon Hill Foundation. This is the story as told by Bob Proctor. Fortunately, I was […]
Last evening, we went to a service of gratitude at our church and the pastor related the story of Corrie Ten Boom. I did some research this morning and created her story of gratitude below. The Ten Boom family was sent to a concentration camp by the Nazis who […]
They say that by 2018, an obese person will pay about $2,500 more in health care costs so they probably pay maybe $1,500.00 more now. The cost of a good Team Beachbody workout ranges between $59.85 and $119.85 and the Team Beachbody Club membership is just over $150.00 a […]
Team Beachbody has great articles on health, fitness, nutrition and a wide range of other subjects that will improve your quality of life. Here’s a fun article bound to improve your diet by Valerie Watson. We used to think a healthy diet was all about the “Big Three” food […]
In yesterday’s there was an article by David Knowles entitled, “Why Are Food Allergies on the Rise in Children?’ and it is worrisome enough to post some of the article here. He says, “The number of children with allergies to certain foods is rising at an alarming rate. […]
Duff Wilson wrote an article for the New York Times today and it is just so troubling that I needed to present at least the first part of it (you need to subscribe to the NY Times to read the rest – they offer a free subscription): “Even as drug […]
Today is Armistice Day and Veteran’s Day. Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice. President Dwight Eisenhower signed into law on May 26, 1954 a […]
Take control of your dreams and chart a course to reach them by Brian Tracy in Success Magazine Imagine arriving on the outskirts of a large city and being told to drive to a particular home or office there. But there are no road signs and you have no map. […]
Darren Hardy is publisher of Success Magazine. I visit his site, read his blog and avidly follow him on Twitter because of his positive messages and because he is making a difference. On his blog, he recently posted an article entitled, “What Difference do You Make?” It […]
Most of us have very fond memories of things that we have seen through the windshields of our cars – a trip to the country, driving in the mountains or along the coast, the drive to the lake or even going to Grandma’s house. Wouldn’t it be great if looking […]
You have seen my posts about Wireless Run Tracker from BIM Active and how I use it for GPS tracking on my runs. I also mentioned that I can pause the tracking and take a picture either to document my run or let you see something that caught my […]
You’ve got questions and Team Beachbody always seems to have the answer. The question, “What to do when you are starving before bed” and Steve Edwards has a great answer: “Here at Beachbody, we’re always drilling the “no eating for 3 hours before bedtime” rule into your head and, […]
This is a great story from Cynthia Kersey – There is an interesting side note to the story below and you will find it at the end of this post… “You gotta be crazy!” That’s what Lee Dunham’s friends told him back in 1971 when he gave up a […]
Jay Leno said, “Now there are more overweight people in America than average weight people. So overweight people are now average. Which means you’ve met your New Year’s resolution.” Funny right? In a Fourth of July message a few years back, the Center for Consumer Freedom, an advocacy group financed […]
I follow the 10 Commandments and the 10 Commitments of Healthy Living. Do you? 1. I commit to not drinking soda or flavored drinks sweetened with refined sugar or corn syrup 2. I commit to drinking natural drinks like water, 100% fruit juices, milks, teas and coffee 3. I […]
The idea for this post came from a situation last weekend. A friend had said that she was coming over and bringing a couple of friends to enjoy my Healthy Happy Hour from 4:00 – 5:00 pm on Sundays. I had taken my daughter Grace to the New Mexico State […]
Scott Morrison lost 45 pounds doing P90X and he is in top shape. He wants to go to the next level with Insanity. Here is what he writes after Day 2: “I don’t think I could use easy and Insanity in the same sentence, unless I included the […]
There is so much to say when you are ceaselessly promoting the benefits of health and fitness, but there are also so many places to say. I post to my friends on Facebook, am gathering a following on Twitter and use the Beachbody Message Boards to support my members […]
Well, for two months, I didn’t have a game plan because life got in the way big time, but now I am back with regained health, a focus and a game plan for success. Between now and next March, when we have a trip planned, I will use Shakeology The […]
I feel like my life went into a recession in July. The tipping point came when a relatively new filling fell out on June 25th. I had been training really well with a friend who was visiting from New Jersey and had also been able to take some time to […]
CHICAGO (Reuters) – Obesity-related diseases account for nearly 10 percent of all medical spending in the United States or an estimated $147 billion a year, U.S. researchers said Monday. They said obese people spend 40 percent more — or $1,429 more per year — in healthcare costs than people of […]
Katie Moran was convinced that she would always be a “big” girl, and she was weighed down with negative thoughts. Katie had such low self-esteem that she thought it was impossible for her to lose weight even with proper exercise and nutrition. Katie’s negative thoughts were so crippling that they […]
We live in the unhealthiest society in the world. We rank 26th in longevity, just ahead of Cuba in 27th. According to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, “We spend 50 percent more per person on health care than the average developed country, according to the Organization for Economic […]
We’re creatures of habit – sometimes bad habits. And changing bad habits that have hardened into unhealthy routines is difficult. That’s why we’ve prepared this handy list of easy suggestions for achieving a healthier lifestyle, organized into three categories: Fitness, Nutrition, and Motivation. Maybe you’ll like one or two enough […]
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons […]
Losing weight is great, but then you are faced with sculpting your body. In this ChaLEAN Extreme success story video, 50 year old Lori lost 40 pounds, 8 inches from her waist and sculpted her body. On top of that, whether it is another benefit or just the fact that […]
A quarter of the people with diabetes don’t know they have it until major complications occur. Watch to learn about the most common warning sign, painful or numb feet and what you can do to help.
You’re tougher than you think. The fear of pain or injury from working out is a mindset steeped in failure. You must learn to “find the line.” Do the extra rep or two, increase your range of motion, and increase resistance as you get stronger. Intensity goes hand in hand […]
By Denis Faye – from the Team Beachbody Newsletter Every January, thousands of ambitious souls take a major step on the road to fitness and order an in-home fitness program like ChaLEAN Extreme® or P90X®. And every June, thousands of newly ripped, super-fit, would-be athletes buy themselves fancy new surfboards […]
By Joe Wilkes – from the Team Beachbody Newsletter How much do you know about the sugar content of these kid snacks? 1. Girls Snacking1 Betty Crocker ® Fruit Roll-Up. This little fruit leather snack has almost 2 teaspoons of sugar. Not that much compared to some other things, but […]
Two of the biggest reasons Coaches LOVE being Coaches is because this business affords them the opportunity to obtain more time and more money. Seize the opportunity by making the most of your Business Services Fee, which helps you easily manage your customers and coaching team through your online office […]
Charlene Dennis has lived with type 2 diabetes for 15 years. Even after surviving a battle with cancer, she didn’t take her health very seriously. To see how her loving son changed her life, watch the video below. To purchase Project: You Type 2, please click here
While the new Team Beachbody site for all of you who are new is bright, easy to navigate and very inviting, to the old timers like me, it leaves us wishing for the old days. Here’s the tutorial from the new site just in case you haven’t seen it […]