No, my year doesn’t start on February 1st. It has just taken a month to take this year’s bull by the horns and put in place a plan to make this the best year ever. At the end of last year, I was told that I would be […]
Some Miscellaneous Stuff
With just a matter of minutes before I dedicate the rest of the evening to the girls and we watch “War Room“, I just wanted to do a quick post about dealing with rough days. I’ve had a few in a row, but have successfully dealt with them in […]
In case any of you thought that I didn’t wake up from the nap that I mentioned in Day 2 of the 21 Day Fix and that would explain why there wasn’t another post, I am happy to say that I just got sidetracked – for 19 days apparently. It’s […]
Given the opportunity to work out with a friend in the SuperGym and in our Take Charge of Your Body for Life Facebook challenge group, I decided to start the 21 Day Fix over again. It was an easy decision really because I had already gotten behind on my […]
It’s after 10:00 and I am finally able to sit down and eat my steel cuts oats for breakfast. This must be at least the 1,000th time, since I’ve had them almost every morning since April 25th, 2012. That is the day that I started The Ultimate Reset […]
Whether it was a prolonged illness in the family or recovery from an accident or the nightmare of divorce, we’ve all experienced times in our lives when it was if we were in a tunnel and all that we could focus on was what was within the confines of that […]
Being fit and healthy isn’t just about how good you look. It makes sense, too, because you will have more energy, be more productive, have a better outlook on life and have more money. Have more money? Yes, with fewer sick days, fewer doctor’s visits and less need to take […]
Stress has plagued me (like a plague) for years. My rock for staying healthy has always been Shakeology and it has worked for me for over 5 years. Last summer, though, I was just feeling really drained and by chance, stopped at a Pharmaca for the first time […]
I actually posted this on Facebook earlier today and it is such an important post that I want to share it on my blog, too. My question is, if you can be a work at home dad and make a good income and spend every day with your children, why […]
Shakeology has been a daily part of my life for over 5 years. It has seen me through the toughest times that I have ever experienced and inconceivable stress and I’ve barely skipped a beat. I can’t say that I haven’t had a cold or some physically or […]
Because there is no point in looking back, right? If I did, I would see my SuperGym workout calendar for March (not to mention the first 6 days of April) and see the worst training log that I have ever had. In fact, over the past three months, it […]
What a difference a year makes. At the end of 2013, my left knee hurt too much to run (or I would have to walk to warm up and then could run a little and then walk and run a little and walk). I thought that the pain […]
An open letter to my team of Beachbody Coaches: Coaches, you can change your body in eight weeks, you can change other people’s bodies in eight weeks and you can change lives forever over the next two months. I am proof of how successful you can be changing people’s lives […]
First of all, let me start by saying Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you. It has been an especially rough month for many of you dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and a rough year for virtually all of us. But things will get better as […]
Last night, I sat in church and listened to Alistair Begg talking about Mark 14:3-9. In verse 3 it says, “While He was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure […]
While I had some things to do in the kitchen this morning, I clicked on “Shuffle” on my iPhone and Business of the 21st Century with Robert T. Kiyosaki started playing. I’ve listened to it a couple of times before, and what sticks in my mind is that we are […]
After spending years in the lab, I have come up with the formula for being forever young: Regular exercise + good nutrition + positive lifestyle choices = forever young – or at least quality of life for a longer period of time than most people think possible. You […]
No, not the 2001 movie, not the 2009 movie and not the Operation Fast and Furious. I am a Team Beachbody coach and I don’t mix politics with anything and especially my blog. What is fast and furious is the pace at Beachbody Headquarters in Santa Monica and here is […]
Isn’t it great having a partner to work out with? You seem to push a little harder, sweat a little more, and somehow find that extra gear to kick it up a notch. You motivate and inspire each other, keep each other accountable, and it can even produce a little […]
An article appeared from Reuters on Thursday about franchising picking up in the US and the first example that they gave is Robert and Dayna Penney: “(Reuters) – Robert Penney has seen his financial future and it involves heaps of frozen yogurt. Penney and his wife, Dayna, purchased a Menchie’s […]
My blessings have hatched over the last five years. I never counted them before they hatched because I didn’t know what they were going to be. I had taken a step of faith, rather a leap of faith, into a big unknown for me and it has become the source […]
P90X Certification and Qualification Programs Love P90X ®? Then earn your P90X Certification and harness the power of America’s hottest extreme fitness brand. Your P90X Certification will add depth and breadth to what you can offer as a fitness professional, as well as help you deliver proven results to attract […]
With such horrific things as the shooting in Aurora, CO happening all too frequently, why shouldn’t I be glued to the TV to learn more? That’s a good question when so much of everyone’s attention is focused on those events and all of the bad news in the world. My […]
Five years ago, I began a journey with no destination. It was an adventure of sorts that became a business venture. Yet at no time in the last five years did I feel like I was “working” and, in fact, I derived a lot of happiness and success from […]
We challenge you to change with our Challenge to Change 2012. Will you choose what you want or accept table scraps. Click here to accept our challenge. The following is from Goals…The 10 Rules for Achieving Success by Gary Ryan Blair Success is the intentional, premeditated use […]
Whether it was a seed that was meant to be planted or just something that has stuck with me over the years, I don’t know for sure. But when I was a sophomore in college, I took an aptitude test and the results showed that I should be either […]
I am an avid reader of Leo Babauta’s Zen Habits blog and he just featured a guest post from Matt Frazier of No Meat Athlete that I just have to share it in its entirety because it is so good… Each and every one of us, as a human being, […]
Team Howtobefit has now surpassed a million dollars in earnings because people just like you, from every walk of life and across the nation have made a choice to change their lives and the lives of other people through health and fitness. We are a team of highly successful Team […]
Instead of just working on your body and building your body, you could be building your dreams and building the dreams of others at the same time. Are you just going to the gym or working out at home and solely thinking about your issues? Well what about the same […]
Want to know why the Team Beachbody relational marketing opportunity is not a pyramid scheme? This is a very accurate, simple and hilarious explanation of network marketing with explanations of the benefits of this kind of opportunity and well known business people and financial experts who support the concept of […]
Oh, Those Aching muscles! If you’re feeling a little bit stiff and sore after your first few days of working out again, don’t despair. It’s totally natural. If you haven’t exercised in a while, then the several dozen squats, kicks, push-ups, or gingas that you did over the past day […]
If there was ever a video that embodied the message and the hope and the results that you will get with Team Beachbody, this is it. Join us now and take the Team Beachbody Challenge…
My members deserve the very best in coaching from me and I will do whatever it takes for them to get the most out of their membership and make it totally effective in reaching their health, fitness and positive lifestyle goals. Although some of them have been with me for […]
Yesterday was our day of Thanksgiving and we have so much to be thankful for. Our bounty is enormous compared to that of most people in the world today. So much so, that it has changed the way that we look and live. When the original colony of Plymouth was […]
Team Freedom offers hope when losing weight seems hopeless. We offer fitness solutions when all others have failed. We provide accountability to the when your will is weak and support to those who need shoulder to lean on. We raise people up who have been let down so many times […]
I was thinking when I was running this morning that form is everything when you want to be efficient, conserve energy and lessen your chance of injury. I’ve heard that poor swimmers, for example burn way more calories than good swimmers. Makes sense, right? Running with good […]
Team Beachbody is filled with highly motivated, truly extraordinary people. I got to meet some more of them at a Super Sunday event here in New Mexico. One of the greatest rewards of being a coach has been to meet and become lifelong friends with so many of these coaches. […]
This Saturday and Sunday, Team Beachbody ® will take a stand for humanity and come together with a common mission: to End the Trend ® of obesity and help more people than ever lead healthy, fulfilling lives. If you heard Carl on this week’s National Coach Call, you have an […]
I’ve been on a roll and posting some things on Facebook that weren’t exactly politically correct. Here are just a few: Scott posted about food regulation and I personally think that people are just plain stupid to eat the way that they do. “I don’t eat any junk food, […]
Which antidepressant is right for you – pills or a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise? More than one in 10 Americans over the age of 12 takes an antidepressant, a class of drugs that has become wildly popular in the past several decades, U.S. government researchers said today. Antidepressants […]
I had today’s newsletter all done in my head and I just had to put it on “paper” and send it out. Then I read something by one of my fellow Team Beachbody Coaches, Julie Ann Price, and I knew that I had to share it with you today. As […]
I am a voracious reader when it comes to faith, family and fitness and Thursday I read an article in the New York Times that I find disturbing. It is entitled, “China’s Next Revolution Is in Fitness” which on the surface doesn’t seem that interesting or significant but this line […]