While I had some things to do in the kitchen this morning, I clicked on “Shuffle” on my iPhone and Business of the 21st Century with Robert T. Kiyosaki started playing.
I’ve listened to it a couple of times before, and what sticks in my mind is that we are now competing in a global market and a job, for example, that paid $80.00 an hour here can be done by skilled people in other countries for a small fraction of that.
Globalization, he says, plays a large part in an economic crisis that he says is in some ways greater than the Great Depression. His advice is to find a part time network marketing job and gradually transition away from your full time job (before it transitions away from you), to have more financial security and money to invest and grow wealth.
This is what he says on his Business of the 21st Century website:
Robert T. Kiyosaki knows a good thing when he sees it.
That’s why, for the past several years, he has been a staunch supporter of network marketing. Like many people, Robert was skeptical about the industry at first … until he learned firsthand what network marketing is all about:
It’s about helping people.
Like billionaires Donald Trump and Warren Buffet, Robert is sold on network marketing. He wants to share his insights with you on why he believes it is the business model of the 21st century and why now is the perfect time to take advantage of the opportunities it offers!
If you’re worried about losing your job through down-sizing, or just want to take charge of your future by taking control of your income source, you need The Business of the 21st Century!
To listen to his audio presentation, just click here.
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