Yesterday, I sent out an newsletter to almost 10,000 subscribers and had the most unsubscribes and complaints of any newsletter that I have ever sent out. The title of the blog was, “When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going”. Honestly, I can’t imagine what turned people off. My […]
A couple of nights ago, a tweet popped up on Twitter from Carl Daikeler, CEO of Team Beachbody, that said, “Andrea Horton makes over $400k a wk part time!” My first thought was, “Carl, you need to correct that” and my second thought was “must be Tony Horton’s (creater of […]
So many people tend to look at stretching with dread. But as Tony Horton says in his P90X Yoga X disc, he does the things he can do at his age, not because of pull-ups but because of yoga. He knows that gaining flexibility is an important key […]
I don’t have the 60 or 90 day results from Power 90 yet to show on the outside, but the way Shakeology has made me feel on the inside has really made me a believer in it. Here’s a video that explains how Shakeology “works on the inside” You […]
Here’s some feedback from Team Beachbody Coach Amy Adams: “I’ve been doing ChaLEAN Extreme …. I’ve never had calf muscles … they are peeking through though. AWESOME. I’m only in week two but I can see a huge difference in my body. And Shakeology makes me very happy. My friend […]
Hi everyone! Hope all of my NJ area followers are enjoying this beautiful day! This weather is really what we needed to get us out of the winter blues and blahs. Now if you’re like me, the approaching spring season really puts a fire under me and motivates […]
I just answered a member’s question and thought that I would share my answer – “Do I really need the protein powder, recovery drink and bars to do P90X?” “I found that I simply couldn’t eat enough, so I got the Beachbody Whey Protein Powder, P90X recovery drink and the […]
That’s a question that I just received from someone doing Power 90. The person was unemployed and trying to push himself into getting in better shape and doing cardio on his day off. Here is my response: “There is always risk when you do too much but knowing […]
Wow, according to Matt Morris, author of “The Unemployed Millionaire” in his list of the top of the Top 80 Network Marketing Companies: February 2010, Team Beachbody comes in at #6! You can check out the list, which we just qualified for (you have to be in network […]
That sounds like a newspaper ad, but if you are a pastor, this post is for you. At any given time, as you look out over your congregation, you will see the same percentage of people who are overweight or obese. Churchgoers are no more healthy than non […]
Runners, the most important thing that you should know about Shakeology is that you should be drinking it every day. How would I know, you ask? First of all, I’ve been a competitive runner for almost 44 years. In my 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, I was running […]
No, I’m not going to give away my training secrets, but I am going to tell you about a product that I use every day to help me train more effectively and recover from my workouts faster, allowing me to train 7 days a week. Team Beachbody Performance […]
When you shell out your hard earned money for lunch or dinner, how would you rather spend your 4 – 5 bucks? Do you want to be a winner and get the 70 healthy ingredients in Shakeology or virtually no healthy ingredients in your $4.00 to $5.00 fast food […]
This is an oft repeated question and here is the perfect answer: “You can’t get the guides separately because there is a bootleg operation in China that is selling the DVD’s only. People are saving $40.00 on eBay but getting ripped off and supporting the Chinese economy. To get the […]
Would you like to be able to say that? You can. “How?” No gimmicks, no pills, no gym membership, no surgery – just an effective exercise program and good nutrition. “Okay, this is stupid already. I have to buy a workout program and they cost money.” That’s true, […]
Cool banner, huh. But is the product any good? You could ask Mary Ann Kobes, who says that she drinks it every day. Being a winner in the Shakeology weekly contest (ends March 25, 2010) and winning $1,000.00 might make her more inclined to keep drinking it, though. […]
YOU – sharing your love of fitness. WOWY is social networking for fitness and you have not only a virtual gym to work out in every day from the comfort of your own home, but you can also share your passion for health and fitness with 1,524,724 active other […]
The original titles of this post was, “Hormonal Changes and Visceral Fat”, but who would have read it. Nobody is interested in what doctors and researchers have to say. That’s why so many people choose to live lives devoid of physical activity and chow down on the worst […]
I received an email over the weekend with this information, “An alarming new study shows that health care costs increased last year at the fastest rate in more than a half century. Health care spending rose to an estimated $2.5 trillion in 2009, or $8,047 per person — and […]
Until a couple of weeks ago, I was blogging almost every day. Then on a run one morning, I started thinking about the Whole Foods marketing campaign (I run on trails in front of their store – this is Albuquerque remember) that says, “Buy Local, Support Local” and embarked […]
True story. I was a personal trainer for years in NJ and I would like to tell you about one of my most memorable clients. His name was John (no, that wasn’t his real name) and he was an obese chain smoker before I met him. He […]
“I signed up for Team Beachbody mainly as a commitment to a new me (though the discounts are nice…). For years I’ve been just packing on the fat. Then a couple of years ago I had knee surgery which was a great excuse for why I couldn’t do even […]
In an inspiring segment on, it says, “Martin Luther King Jr., was a father, a husband, a reverend, a civil rights leader, and a resilient man with a clear vision to end segregation in America during the 1950s. On Monday, January 18, we honor a revolutionary man who […]
On Tuesday as we all know, there was a devastating earthquake in Haiti. Is it connected to the floor that collapsed in a building on Wednesday? No, that was the floor in the Weight Watchers weigh in room and the 20 people there thought that it was an […]
I’ve learned from other natural disasters while I’ve been running an online business, that the world watches and that e-commerce should respect the victims and their families by doing the same. September 11th, the 2004 day after Christmas tsunami, Katrina and now the disaster in Haiti means stopping to […]
All thoughts and prayers should be focused toward the island of Hispaniola where the tragedy of the earthquake near Port-au-Prince is unfolding. It is a major catastrophe and the Haitian people need all of our prayers today and in the coming days and weeks and months as they try […]
It’s all too common that bad people are featured more often and more prominently in the news for what they’ve done or haven’t done. Good people don’t make headlines that most people want to read. They just live exemplary lives. So it is with Joe Rollino. I […]
If you read my post from earlier today, you may have thought, yeah, yeah. What a coincidence that CNN has an article this afternoon entitled, “Too much TV may mean earlier death”. It says, in part, “Watching too much television can make you feel a bit brain-dead. According to […]
This isn’t going to be one of those, “In my day” rants, but honestly, years ago, people prided themselves in never giving up and never quitting. I don’t live in some parallel universe and come up with these commentaries. I see people give up, I hear about people […]
Having been a runner for almost 44 years, I know my body. I am very consistent in my training and performances as well as nutrition and lifestyle habits, so when I start to not run well, I know that my body is fighting off something. On Thanksgiving Day […]
It is hard to believe, but today is the anniversary of the day three years ago when I decided to click on a link in an email from Neil Evans from Beachbody that gave me the opportunity to sign up as a Team Beachbody Coach. I had the gotten the […]
Yesterday I read an article in CNN Health entitled, “Is the fat acceptance movement bad for our health?” Why do we need a fat acceptance movement? Who cares if you are fat or thin or somewhere in between. What difference does it make if you are tall […]
According to the article in WalletPop, “As recently as 2004, school lunch beef contained as much as 15% of this ammonia-treated filler as a means of saving a whole three cents per pound.” When you read the article, it says that, “Beef Products began to blast its filler product […]
Is 2010 starting out as bad for you as 2009 ended? It is for me and the very least of the problems that I am facing is still trying to get over the effects of the swine flu. Am I discouraged? No, I’m defiant and I will […]
Today is the first work day of the New Year and also the starting day for many resolution driven fitness programs and weight loss programs. But you can’t just start your engine with a resolution, you have to have something that will keep driving you forward toward your destination. […]
Let’s face it, we’re all just like fish in the sea of fitness, and just like all people who work out, we thrive in different environments. Basically, we can be divided into the people who go to the gym and the people who would never work out at the […]
You know by now that I’m no Billy Mays. I’m not trying to pitch something or convince you to do something that you absolutely have to do. I’m just a coach who tries things and uses things before he recommends them to his athletes. Whether it was a […]
It was 15 years ago today that I started the website, so I want to take this opportunity to not only wish you a Happy New Year, but also to thank you for your continued interest and support over all those years. was conceived from a desire to […]
Running comes as easily to me as breathing, but coming back from more than a month long illness which included a bout with swine flu is presenting a challenge. I ran for just over 25:00 and then did 8 reps of 5 upper body exercises and was really quite tired […]
Since my Dad was a farmer, I saw him working every day. Because I do something that I love to do, I’ve adopted his lifestyle and don’t think a thing of it. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, though, I battled the H1N1 virus and working every day became quite […]
Okay, I googled, “minutes spent exercising in U.S.” and the second article was from an analysis by researches at the University of California, Berkeley. Since I want to give them full credit and a link back to their article, you can find it here. But just in case […]