Okay, I was a little afraid to take my measurements this morning. I wasn’t on my best behavior with eating last week and over the weekend with Christmas. I made cookies, and of course you can’t make them without having one, two or a few. Then I made ravioli, […]
Yearly Archives: 2010
Okay, I am totally stoked about my results so far with Brazil Butt Lift. Here were my measurements on Day 1: Waist 28.5″ Hips 36″ Thigh 20.5″ Here are my measurements on Day 6 (I thought I only lost 1/2 an inch in my waist, but when I looked at […]
Avalon has a beautiful praise and worship song entitled “Light A Candle“. You can click here to listen to it and I have pasted the words below. I am lighting a candle for you to know that I am a beacon of light that you can seek for help in […]
Ed Z. absolutely inspired me recently with his story. I have the privilege of coaching him, but one thing I want to make clear is that he did all of this hard work by himself. I’m just there for support and answering questions from time to time. […]
I know it sounds awful for me to say this, but all I really want is a big, fat, juicy cheeseburger right now. My favorite place to get one is PJ Whelihan’s Pub. The Black Jack Burger! So why am I craving something that’s really not that good […]
Well, its that time of year when all sorts of sickness strikes. Cold, flu, stomach bug, you name it. Right now, I’m starting to recover from my least favorite, the stomach bug. Its no fun for anyone when mom gets sick, so I have my own way of shortening […]
I remember John Candy from movies like “Stripes“, “Cool Runnings” and “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” (where he played Del, the shower curtain ring salesman) and how he made so many people laugh. That was his gift to everyone around him. He stopped giving that gift when he died […]
We invest in some way in virtually everything that we do in life. Whether it is time, energy or emotions, in relationships, children or work, we are in some way investing. How we measure our return on investment (ROI) may determine how much we invest and for how long. […]
Having 4 kids and running my own successful online fitness business has generated a lot of comments and questions from so many people. I get people who feel the need to give me blessings, (which I appreciate), but I do sense sarcasm in some of these. I also […]
Saturday evening we heard Franklin Graham speak at our church and then afterwards spoke to one of the counselors at length. He mentioned to us about keeping our hands on the plow and not looking back (or around for that matter), but instead looking forward in order to be […]
You don’t need to be a superstar. Its what I tell my kids all the time. I don’t care if they don’t become the baseball superstar, or musical prodigy, I just want them to be good, healthy kids. I think we focus too much on our kids becoming […]
I knew Shakeology was delicious by itself, but sometimes you want to experiment with different flavors. My husband makes this recipe for me for lunch on the weekends. I love it! Here’s a video on how its made: Shakeology recipe
There is a quote attributed to Theodore Roosevelt, Zig Ziglar and Don Swartz that goes, “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you careâ€. We care about where you are on your road to success and that is why we are asking each and every […]
This muffin recipe makes a great snack to for your kids. They’re lower in fat and sugar than most muffins, and you can make them plain or add blueberries, cranberries or whatever you wanted. I made these the other day and added blueberries to half of them. This recipe […]
Okay, I know we’re all guilty of it. I’m perhaps one of the biggest procrastinators out there. As I type, I have a big pile of my 2 year old’s clothes to bag up for donation. I did promise myself I would get to it later today though:) […]
Why does it seem like its easier for some people to stick with an exercise or nutrition program? Why is it that some people can find the time to workout and make the most of it? Why do some people struggle with all of this? I know many of […]
As some of you may know, over the past year, I have undergone a series of surgeries after tests revealed that my condition wasn’t hopeless and that my life could be saved. Some have been an inconvenience and others, the most painful experiences of my life. Yesterday was hopefully the […]
“Stress is basically a disconnection from the earth, a forgetting of the breath. Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important. Just lie down.†– Natalie Goldberg Can you imagine the editor of the New York Times or even the editor of […]
Using the concept of the CNN Heroes, we would like to recognize individuals in the Team Beachbody community who have demonstrated their passion and belief in the Team Beachbody mission, not only by transforming their own lives, but also the lives of countless other people with their dogged determination and […]
Yes, that is our very own First Lady Michelle Obama with those gorgeous arms and that beautiful figure. They must have some super gym in the White House and a staff of personal trainers, right? Wrong. On no better authority than President Obama, he said that she […]
Yes, that is our very own First Lady Michelle Obama with those gorgeous arms and that beautiful figure. They must have some super gym in the White House and a staff of personal trainers, right? Wrong. On no better authority than President Obama, he said that she is doing our […]
In 2002, Pastor Rick Warren wrote the book, “The Purpose Driven Life“. Shortly after that, my wife and I joined a study group to better understand the “40 Days of Purpose” created from the 40 chapters in the book. Sadly, what I learned from the book and […]
As a life long runner, I would never have something to eat that was high on the glycemic index (GI) before I ran. I want something low on the index for sustained energy. On the site, Oztrack.com, it explains it this way: “There are times when low G.I. […]
Exercise and pregnancy. Oh, I’m an expert on this one. Well,I guess having 4 pregnancies and delivering 4 healthy babies, plus exercising through all of those pregnancies would make me somewhat of an expert. I’ve also trained a lot of pregnant women and taught Pilates and Yoga for pregnancy. […]
Typically Generation X are those who were born between 1965 and 1979. That would make the oldest GenXer’s 45 years old now and the youngest ones 31. Its hard to believe that some of my fellow GenXer’s are even grandparents! Shocking! I guess I find that one […]
Team Beachbody has a wonderful praise and worship workout program that combines the power of your faith with your desire to lose weight and get fit. But what do you do when your faith is being challenged and you need something more than a workout? Friday night and Saturday were […]
As Team Beachbody Coaches, we help other people achieve their health and fitness goals, while we achieve or maintain our own goals. It is as simple as that and you could say that is our job description or our mission statement or simply, “This is what we do”. But […]
Here is an excellent article by Jeffery Combs – President of Golden Mastermind Seminars Inc – about how to view failure: “What makes the difference between ordinary and extraordinary, between average and excellent, mediocre and superb? Is it family background? Are achievers born into wealth? Is it better opportunities for […]
Today marks a landmark in our family when we make the leap of faith from my wife, Christy, teaching and being a Team Beachbody Coach to being a full time stay at home and work at home mom and a full time Team Beachbody coach. Our daughter Grace is starting […]
You know about the awesomeness of Shakeology ® – the ultra-premium health shake that Carl Daikeler’s wife helped formulate when she saw that her husband couldn’t eat a vegetable unless it was deep fried. Shakeology ® was recently tested and measured for its Glycemic Index (GI) and received the amazing […]
Do you love P90X? Well there is a new P90X coming soon and you can be part of the making of P90X:MC2. If you think you have a tough, original move worthy of being in the new P90X workout, then enter the P90X One On One contest!
TurboFire is the hot new workout program from Chalene Johnson, creator of Turbo Jam and Chalean Extreme. Her newest workout DVD is based around a concept called High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, but what is it and what is the science behind it. We have a great new […]
To most people, April 1st is April Fool’s Day. I will always think of it as the day my world came to an end. Oh, I am still alive, obviously, and functioning, but the world that meant so much to me no longer exists. It was replaced […]
I could use an extra $300.00 today. How about you? You could borrow it, hope for a bonus in your paycheck today, buy a lottery ticket or you could just log into WOWY and win today’s $300.00 Daily Prize! In addition, you will get 10% off on all […]
Chalene Johnson is always talking about her to-do-list and how important having one is to be successful. Well, if having a to-do-list is so effective, why not have a to-eat-list? Why aren’t you planning your meals and eating from a plan and not just making nutrition random or […]
Beachbody has built a $400 million company on the success stories of the people who use their products and the Team Beachbody coach success stories of people helping people. The choice is clear – be another Beachbody success story by using one of their time proven, cost effective workout […]
Probably as much as I would like you to do a workout today in WOWY to feel good and look great. Every day that you log your workout into the WOWY SuperGymâ„¢ you will be automatically be entered in the Daily Sweepstakes. Work out today and you could […]
Well that would be lucky Steve in Arizona. He logged into WOWY, did his workout and won a Canon digital camera, not to mention getting in a little better shape to boot! Looking for a win/win situation? Log into the WOWY online SuperGym, do the workout of your […]
Lean Lasagna Everybody loves lasagna, but we don’t love the fat that comes with that gooey mozzarella cheese. Here’s a great recipe that uses nonfat mozzarella for all the flavor without the fat, tofu for protein, and spinach for vitamins, minerals, fiber and Popeye-approved yumminess! 1 lb. soft tofu, drained […]
What do you reach for when you have a hunger attack? Will it satisfy your physical hunger or is it an emotional or convenience decision. As a full time Team Beachbody Coach, I work at home and can just go out to the kitchen and make a snack. […]
How would you like to have a chance to win $300.00, lose a little body fat and feel great? Oh, you would. Well just log into the WOWY online SuperGym, do the workout of your choice and you have a chance to win the Daily Prize! In addition, […]
Your gym may be offering great prizes today just for coming in and doing a workout, but if not and you would like to save yourself a trip and have a chance to win an Asus Netbook, then just click here to join the WOWY Online SuperGym! In addition, you […]