Helping Keep Bodies Fit and Healthy with BODi

I want a big, juicy cheeseburger!

I know it sounds awful for me to say this, but all I really want is a big, fat, juicy cheeseburger right now.   My favorite place to get one is PJ Whelihan’s  Pub.   The Black Jack Burger! So why am I craving something that’s really not that good for you?   I’ve had a stupid stomach bug that’s been possessing my body since Thursday night/early Friday morning.  

So its been almost 6 days with nothing but tea, toast, bananas, chicken broth, crackers… I’ve lost about 4 lbs, but it sucks losing it this way.

I’ve been in a constant state of nausea and other complications.   It sort of reminds me of the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.   Nothing appeals to you, except…

With all 4 of my pregnancies, I had really bad morning sickness.   Tired and nauseous all the time.    I can only remember one pregnancy where the thought of a salad or fruit was the only thing appealing.   My other 3 pregnancies, in the early weeks, all that I could see myself eating (without feeling sick) was bad stuff.   Pizza, cheeseburgers, calzones. Anything with melted cheese and my body (and baby) wanted it. Luckily that only lasted the first 13 weeks, and I did practice lots self-control, otherwise I would have gained mucho pounds. And it was a good thing I worked out with all my pregnancies.

Well, as soon as I’m feeling 100% I’m going out with my husband (and kids too) and get that cheeseburger. Then the very next day it will be back to clean eating and working out with Brazil Butt Lift🙂

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