Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life
Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life

Ed reverses his type 2 diabetes

Ed  Z.  absolutely  inspired me recently  with his story.   I have the privilege of coaching him, but one thing I want to make clear is that he did all of this hard work by himself.   I’m just there for support and answering questions from time to time.   But all of his hard work and determination are his alone.   Ed recently sent me a message with  really awesome news and I wanted to share some of it with you.    What I love the most about what he wrote is that when he was first diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, all of his research could have left him feeling defeated, but he refused to give up and I’m so happy and proud of him that he didn’t.

Ed works full time as a teacher, is a dad to a really cute kid and  brings it with  P90X and running to reach his goals.

“In 9 months I have lost 93 pounds. My A1C, was originally 11.8, IN MARCH OF this year, and now it is 5.6. NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!! The doctor took me off my medication and my Diabetes is in remission. Can you believe it!!!!!! As long as I continue to eat healthy, maintain my weight, and exercise regularly. I should be fine. I told him that I had no plans to stop, and I am even more motivated to get down to my goal weight of 160. I had a goal, to get off meds when this all began, and I did it Jess!!!!!”

“I’ve been working out daily, and I plan to begin my second round of P90X, soon. Damn, the doctor was so taken with my results he said he wished I could go in and speak to some of his patients to light a fire under them. Amazing, huh?!?!?!”

“You know, when I was first diagnosed I did a ton of research to see if I could get off the meds, eventually, and at the time there were no posts that I could find about it. In fact, most info I found was just the opposite and so bleak. I suppose that’s why so many people assume that once you are diagnosed, it’s a death sentence. I had faith that I could reach this point despite the nay sayers, and I can’t believe I did it. Having faith and willingness to put forth the effort can bring about miracles. It’s not a fallacy. You can get off meds, you can manage your diabetes, and live a long and healthy life. Now I’m under the gun to keep it up and work even harder to stay off the meds. Diabetes is a progressive disease, and there is no guarantee that I’ll never need to be on meds again, but I’m going to do my best to ride this wave as long as I can. I’m up for the challenge, and it’s going to keep me on the straight and narrow.”

I hope you found Ed’s story as inspiring as I did.   When and if you’re faced with something that seems to big to handle, remember to have faith, surround yourself with a good support system and try to be positive.

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