The Hidden Reason Why You Sabotage Your Diet and Fitness Efforts Just When the Going Gets Good (and What to Do About It) Tell me if this has ever happened to you: You decide you want to improve your body and live a healthier lifestyle. You read all the books, […]
The most common hindrance to setting and achieving meaningful goals is our tendency to make them too small and uninspiring. If we become too careful, realistic and rational, we run the risk of setting goals that have no power to stimulate our enthusiasm and excitement. A mediocre goal will not […]
How to find time to work out is one of the questions that we get most often. The perceived lack of time is one of the main reasons people give for not exercising regularly. Even those of you who have discovered the wonders of in-home fitness still find it difficult […]
When it comes to food portions, size matters. In a world filled with “supersized” options, all-you-can-eat buffets, and extra-large pizzas, it’s no wonder people overeat. Have you ever found yourself in one of these situations? Eating snacks straight out of the bag while watching television, or even grabbing a second […]
Simple question: are you getting results from your gym membership? I hope the answer is yes because given the cost, you should be. Plus, you have all of the equipment available to you to get those results. But what if you are not? What is […]
Your alarm goes off and it’s dark, cold, and all you’ve got to look forward to is another day at the office. Getting out of bed, frankly, sucks. So you hit the snooze button, turn over, and snuggle back into your pillow for five more minutes of bliss. But ouch […]
I don’t feel my age Today is my birthday! I woke up at 5:00 a.m, did my P90X workout, had my oatmeal and a whey protein smoothie. Then I had my Shakeology for lunch (after a healthy snack of course). Woo hoo! Way to party like a rock star on […]
What fuels my fire to become the best Team Beachbody Coach that I can possibly be? Spiritual Equipping. Seeking out powerful influences that make me a better human being so that I can significantly improve the lives of other people. Powerful influences come in many forms in our lives. Some […]
How many of you watched The Secret Millionaire on Sunday night? How many of you would like to be a secret millionaire, helping others in genuine need who give from what little they have and have become community heroes? You can watch the episode by clicking here, but what I […]
If you’re like most Americans, you’re probably eating only three servings of fruits and vegetables a day, if that. Big mistake. Research shows that the more veggies you consume daily, the better off you’ll be, in terms of overall health and body weight. Aim for five to nine or even […]
About 19 million people in the United States suffer from some form of depression ranging from mild to severe. It’s hard to imagine that something as seemingly intangible as the feeling of sadness is governed by science, but it’s true. Emotions, like everything else found inside our bodies, can […]
At last count, there were about 50 billion, trillion, gazillion different diet books and diet plans out there, all touting new, miraculous ways to shed the pounds. At first perusal, it can seem downright baffling, so let me let you in on a little secret. At the core, any reputable […]
It is as simple as that. With Team Beachbody, you decide to join the community, you commit to working out regularly and eating nutritiously and you succeed in reaching your health and fitness goals. No shortcuts, no gimmicks, no surgeries. You change your lifestyle, you change your […]
Thinking of having a party tonight. Want to make it a little healthier? Joe Wilkes has some good dip ideas to make it more nutritious. “When aren’t we going on and on about how you need to eat more vegetables? They’re full of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, and they’re low […]
It’s hard to work good nutrition into our days. We’re working longer and longer hours and still trying to fit in 30 to 60 minutes of exercise, not to mention all the studies coming out that say we’re not getting nearly enough sleep. The hours run out. The snooze button […]
A letter to my Team Beachbody Coaches Dr. John C. Maxwell wrote an article about revolving doors that I wanted to share with you. This applies to corporations and sports teams among others, but ironically does not apply to us. With Team Howtobefit, we can create a dynasty […]
Wow, it is great to be working on this blog again. A new look and feel and a renewed passion for providing good content, great resources and the best advice available to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. Today’s Featured Trainer is the embodiment of all of […]
We’ve all heard about the book, “Chicken Soup for the Soul” by Jack Canfield and we’ve heard that chicken soup is good for colds and the flu. But does it really work? I don’t have a grandmother and was too sick to make some myself. But it […]
From Faith & Fitness Magazine by Dr. James Merritt, founder and Senior Pastor of Cross Pointe Church in Duluth, Georgia Have you ever wanted to get your life lined up with God’s purpose so that you can live a life on the level? It is amazing how just being one […]
Living your life by seeing it through God’s eyes means that you cannot make the choices that make you feel good or create the most benefit for you, but rather your choices and actions have to be the right thing according to the Word. Having read a quote from Maya […]
Okay, so you may be by a cozy fire right now, or you just finished chipping the ice off of your car, but in just 17 weeks it will be Memorial Day – the unofficial start of summer!!! So how will your Memorial Day and summer be this year? Will […]
Everyday someone wants me to make up a meal plan for them. I used to do this for my personal clients for free. But honestly I stopped because it was time consuming and I wasn’t getting paid for it. Don’t get me wrong, I do love to offer […]
I remember years ago driving in downtown Albuquerque and seeing a storefront yoga studio with about 50 women all seemingly dressed in pink doing yoga and thinking never in a million years would I do yoga. Then I did Yoga X and realized what a tough workout it is! […]
So how’s your motivation been lately? Have you been fired up with so much energy and enthusiasm that you can’t wait to hit the gym at 5 a.m every morning? When you know there’s a grueling, gut-wrenching, sweat-pouring workout ahead of you, do you look forward to it and shout, […]
When it comes to food portions, size matters. In a world filled with “supersized” options, all-you-can-eat buffets, and extra-large pizzas, it’s no wonder people overeat. Have you ever found yourself in one of these situations? Eating snacks straight out of the bag while watching television, or even grabbing a second […]
Okay, this was my last week of round one with Brazil Butt Lift. After 4 weeks of working the bum bum (pronounced boom boom,and Brazilian for booty), tucking the tummy, sculpting the body I’m quite pleased with the results. I know my results would have been a lot better […]
Sometimes questions and answers just have to be shared with everyone because they are such good questions that so many people have. One of my new members just asked, “I am interested in more information, but I’m not ready to commit. Specifically, what are the start-up costs? […]
Okay, I was a little afraid to take my measurements this morning. I wasn’t on my best behavior with eating last week and over the weekend with Christmas. I made cookies, and of course you can’t make them without having one, two or a few. Then I made ravioli, […]
Okay, I am totally stoked about my results so far with Brazil Butt Lift. Here were my measurements on Day 1: Waist 28.5″ Hips 36″ Thigh 20.5″ Here are my measurements on Day 6 (I thought I only lost 1/2 an inch in my waist, but when I looked at […]
Avalon has a beautiful praise and worship song entitled “Light A Candle“. You can click here to listen to it and I have pasted the words below. I am lighting a candle for you to know that I am a beacon of light that you can seek for help in […]
Ed Z. absolutely inspired me recently with his story. I have the privilege of coaching him, but one thing I want to make clear is that he did all of this hard work by himself. I’m just there for support and answering questions from time to time. […]
I know it sounds awful for me to say this, but all I really want is a big, fat, juicy cheeseburger right now. My favorite place to get one is PJ Whelihan’s Pub. The Black Jack Burger! So why am I craving something that’s really not that good […]
Well, its that time of year when all sorts of sickness strikes. Cold, flu, stomach bug, you name it. Right now, I’m starting to recover from my least favorite, the stomach bug. Its no fun for anyone when mom gets sick, so I have my own way of shortening […]
I remember John Candy from movies like “Stripes“, “Cool Runnings” and “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” (where he played Del, the shower curtain ring salesman) and how he made so many people laugh. That was his gift to everyone around him. He stopped giving that gift when he died […]
We invest in some way in virtually everything that we do in life. Whether it is time, energy or emotions, in relationships, children or work, we are in some way investing. How we measure our return on investment (ROI) may determine how much we invest and for how long. […]
Having 4 kids and running my own successful online fitness business has generated a lot of comments and questions from so many people. I get people who feel the need to give me blessings, (which I appreciate), but I do sense sarcasm in some of these. I also […]
Saturday evening we heard Franklin Graham speak at our church and then afterwards spoke to one of the counselors at length. He mentioned to us about keeping our hands on the plow and not looking back (or around for that matter), but instead looking forward in order to be […]
You don’t need to be a superstar. Its what I tell my kids all the time. I don’t care if they don’t become the baseball superstar, or musical prodigy, I just want them to be good, healthy kids. I think we focus too much on our kids becoming […]
I knew Shakeology was delicious by itself, but sometimes you want to experiment with different flavors. My husband makes this recipe for me for lunch on the weekends. I love it! Here’s a video on how its made: Shakeology recipe
There is a quote attributed to Theodore Roosevelt, Zig Ziglar and Don Swartz that goes, “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you careâ€. We care about where you are on your road to success and that is why we are asking each and every […]
This muffin recipe makes a great snack to for your kids. They’re lower in fat and sugar than most muffins, and you can make them plain or add blueberries, cranberries or whatever you wanted. I made these the other day and added blueberries to half of them. This recipe […]
Okay, I know we’re all guilty of it. I’m perhaps one of the biggest procrastinators out there. As I type, I have a big pile of my 2 year old’s clothes to bag up for donation. I did promise myself I would get to it later today though:) […]