Keeping My Body Fit and Healthy with BODi

Spirtual Equipping

What fuels my fire to become the best Team Beachbody Coach that I can possibly be? Spiritual Equipping. Seeking out powerful influences that make me a better human being so that I can significantly improve the lives of other people.

Powerful influences come in many forms in our lives. Some positive and some negative. The negative ones abound these days, seemingly, and the positive ones we need to seek out unless we are blessed enough to have them come to us.   In my case, I was listening to on Monday and heard about The Secret Millionaire show, googled it, saw that the first episode featured Dani Johnson, whom I had never heard of (for good reason), and the rest is history, so to speak.

Many people can touch our lives, fewer have an impact and in my case, the words of Dani Johnson and the depth of her faith are the right combination to have a profound impact. What makes it even better is that I can share everything with you because everything she shares is free. Not once in the five segments that I have listened to her in has she even mentioned how she makes money, nor has she suggested that anyone buy something.

I wanted to share links to the five things that I have listened to. One of those was a live radio broadcast this morning which has not been archived yet, but it was exceptionally good and worth waiting for. Here are the links:

Millionaire Secrets –

Watch Your Worth Grow Every Week –

The Right Perspective Works Like a Magnet –

Heartbeat Radio for Women –

Spiritual Equipping, Audio 1 –

I have not yet listened to the next two:

Spiritual Equipping, Audio 2 –

Spiritual Equipping, Audio 3 –


Rich Dafter
Independent Team Beachbody Coach Howtobefit
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