Helping you have better health and fitness with BODi!
Helping you have better health and fitness with BODi!

Fresh Start

Living your life by seeing it through God’s eyes means that you cannot make the choices that make you feel good or create the most benefit for you, but rather your choices and actions have to be the right thing according to the Word.

Having read a quote from Maya Angelou yesterday and being at rock bottom in my life, I needed to make a decision:   do what is right at all costs and live in gratefulness every day or continue to worry about what I perceive the future as being and let that worry come across to others and perhaps negatively impact those whose lives I touch.

She said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

When you read my words, know my actions or by chance our paths cross, what feeling will I have left with you?   Will you feel good?   Will you feel enriched in mind and spirit?   Will you feel empowered?   Will you feel more joy in your life?

With this fresh start in my life that begins today, I will give my challenges completely to the Lord and let my love and trust in the Lord show in everything that I do.

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