Teaching a child the importance of good nutrition is giving them a good start in life. My three year old does not eat well and when she doesn’t eat and doesn’t drink, she isn’t merry. Instead, she is lethargic and moody. Perhaps when we as adults have […]
Yearly Archives: 2008
In remembrance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day, there was no class today. An extraordinarily gifted man, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. became at 35, the youngest person to have won the Nobel Peace Prize. He was awarded five honorary degrees, was named Man of the Year by […]
What will it take for you to be motivated and have a laser like focus on success? For David (see his story in this post below) it was being 19 years old and 360 pounds. For Chris Gardner, it was being homeless and having your two year old son with […]
A doctor telling him that, “in order to save your own life, it is vital that you get healthy” was David’s motivation, at 19 and weighing 360 pounds, to start losing weight. At that weight, he was convinced that he’d never lose the weight, but he never let the challenges […]
Whether you have a history of heart disease or cancer in your family, the numbers on the scale keep moving upward, you want to look good for an important event like a wedding or the mirror on the wall is giving you negative feedback, there is something to give you […]
This week’s theme is motivation and its role in your success. These are the Week Three Articles: Self Concept and Self Sabotage Negative Self Talk – Choose To be Positive The 9 Attitudes & Mental States of Ferocious, Eye of the Tiger Motivation Stay Motivated by Refocusing Your Goals BeachBody […]
If you have been following the class, then you will know that the theme of the first week was resolutions and having a purpose and the second week focused on the success that you can achieve when you are resolved to succeed. This week the theme is motivation. I am […]
And thus began the thirteenth year…. I hope with all my heart that the words after that beginning to this chapter in the story of my life will be uplifting positive ones. This month marks the beginning of my thirteenth year of conveying my passion for fitness and health on […]
Talk is cheap and if you are from Missouri, seeing is believing (you know, the Show Me State). This week’s theme is about achieving success after learning last week about keeping our resolve and having a purpose to achieve our goals. It is so much easier to work out if […]
Grace and I go to the gym every day. She either plays or has her Mighty Mites fitness class and I go run. Every time that I take her to class we walk through the “gym” which has, on the left, row after row of treadmills, stationary bikes and ellipticals […]
I wanted to write a blog this morning entitled “Fired Up For Fitness” (which I will do) and thought that it might have been a slogan that I saw on a T-shirt. Googling allows us to find variations of every phrase that you can think of, but one of the […]
Forum posts week of 01/07/08 “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” – Proverbs 23:7 Articles for the week of 01/07/08 What You Think is What You’ll Get How To Overcome Your Fear Of Success Enjoy Success Without Aiming For It How To Achieve Future Success Success […]
Although Albuquerque isn’t part of the US considered the “Bible Belt“, we have our fair share of churches. We are also in one of the best parts of the country for fitness – 300 or more days of sun every year, little snow, sleet or freezing rain and the bulk […]
I have a genetic “defect”. I share the same “symptoms” that my parents did, which is to be giving beyond my means. They lived a life that was poor in terms of material wealth, but rich in terms of helping others and I am seemingly destined to do the same. […]
As part of the free health and fitness class, there are questions associated with this week’s reading assignment (found here). Those questions are in the Health and Fitness Question & Answer Forum. Go to the forum and post your thoughts and questions based on the following topics: Are you connecting […]
This week’s theme is resolutions and today’s “lecture” will focus on giving your New Year’s resolution a chance of becoming reality and not just becoming another failed idea. The top three things on many people’s minds today must be, (1) How am I going to pay for what I spent […]
Based on the supposition that this “classroom” will be overflowing in no time, and given your need and desire to be fit and healthy, I will structure this course accordingly. You will be given what you need to do in order to optimize your health and fitness and it is […]
I was one of those personal trainers who went to a person’s home (I was just told by a friend here in Albuquerque that that is, “an East Coast thing”) and because of that had a very high success rate. My clients had appointments, I went to their home and […]