In the days of innocence which now seem to be lost, a catchy advertising slogan was, “What’s in your wallet?” for CapitalOne credit cards. Now the catchphrase of the day seems to be, “What’s in the plan?” meaning the financial bailout plan or financial rescue plan as the name […]
On Friday, a WNBA player joined my team of coaches and that gave me reason to reflect on my own life. I don’t know where it ranks in your life priorities, but touching people’s lives in positive ways has always been very important to me. In fact, as […]
As we have seen in the last few days and weeks, months and years, much in our lives is out of our control now. But we, and we alone, can be in charge of our health and wellbeing. With regular exercise, good nutrition and positive lifestyle habits, we can […]
Please note that the title of this blog has the words “health care” and not the much more often seen word “healthcare” – as in “healthcare spending in the U.S. was $2.3 TRILLION in 2007, or $7600 per person“. What this blog addresses is the fact that you can take […]
For the first 15 years of my life, there were no wars, there was prosperity, there was faith in government and faith in the future. Fifteen year olds today are living in times of uncertainty having felt the effects of three wars, devastating hurricanes, financial hard times and now perhaps […]
It’s two thumbs way up for the brand-new Kathy Smith’s Project: YOU! Type 2â„¢ Beachbody workout DVD. The American Diabetes Association has put their valued stamp of approval on this incredible program, which is scheduled to debut this October. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with type […]
Update: Congratulations to Bill Cowan, the one millionth member to work out in WOWY, the Online SuperGym! There were 3,105 workouts done in WOWY on September 13th and Bill is the big winner. Thank you! Let’s all start working on being winners of the next contest. […]
I love my team of coaches and as new coaches join us, I always like to explain their options in approaching the Team Beachbody Coach opportunity. Here is an email that I just sent to those coaches: Hi Everyone, Our conversation with Traci ranged from the benefits of being […]
Emmett’s 45 day “Power 90 success story” update: Update: On September 12, 2008, Emmett took the Air Force physical. Emmett passed the physical easily and made the weight with just 0.5lbs to spare – just enough to get in! I have lost over 20 lbs of FAT while […]
By Steve Edwards There’s a lot more you can do for your kids’ education than lock them in bulletproof SUVs and wait in smog-choked lines of other SUVs to drop them at the steps of their schools. Teaching proper eating habits and providing time for exercise will do more for […]
I received a brilliant email yesterday from my top coach in Colorado, Mike Bent, and I absolutely have to share it with every one who thinks that Team Beachbody is a pyramid scheme: “My fiance and I were having a discussion the other day over a remark that one of […]
Throughout my life, I have been passionate. When I started running in high school, it became my passion because I simply loved running and soon realized that I excelled at it. I learned persistence as my life’s journey guided me to some significant challenges to face and […]
Here’s a great story by Ron Mizutani from KHON2 Morning News in Hawaii about a resident’s remarkable weight loss using Beachbody products. I hope that this will motivate you to lose weight the right way and not the easy way (pills, surgery, etc.) and be rewarded the way that Dallas […]
Yes, I mean every body tells a story. When someone sees you, does your face tell them that you are happy or sad, relaxed or stressed, healthy or unhealthy? Are your shoulders back, chest out and your back straight or is your back bent over and shoulders hunched because they […]
Or a train to somewhere? If you haven’t already seen WALL-E, it is a must see. It is a love story, a comedy and it is loaded with symbolism. If you have already seen the movie, then you know why I am asking whether you will be on a spaceship […]
As Team Beachbody Coaches, we are all actively involved in helping adults and children with weight and obesity issues and guiding and motivating people of all ages to be fit and healthy. This weekend, Tony Horton, well known trainer and one of the creators of the now legendary P90X workout […]
I haven’t blogged for awhile because I am going through a divorce and in two weeks, I will be a full time 57 year old single dad with a 3 1/2 year old and a 1 1/2 year old with me all day on my life’s journey. That really isn’t […]
My life revolves around helping people get fit, lose weight, be healthier and happier and have better quality of life. But who really cares these days? The overweight, over-stressed friend who dropped dead at 54 of a heart attack in the rest room at work? No, he didn’t and now […]
Yesterday, we celebrated the birth of our country with everything from solemn to joyous to boisterous celebrations. Not lost to those of us who are devotees of Tony Horton and know what a great impact he has made in so many of our lives with his effective workout programs is […]
Fact: Beachbody is the 69th fastest growing company in the United States according to an article in Entrepreneur Magazine, March 2008. Fact: Beachbody was started by Carl Daikeler and Jon Cogdon with $500,000 borrowed from family and private investors and is now a $250 million company that spends $90 million […]
Team Beachbody is the online fitness and weight loss club where you get results. It is a proven combination of cutting-edge fitness programs, simple-to-follow diet guidelines, effective supplements, and the most compelling peer support system ever created. Why not sign up today and get the support and incentives you need […]
As far back as she can remember, Pam had always been the chubby girl who struggled with her weight. While she was growing up, eating food became the way she tried to cope with the pain of being abandoned by her father when she was a baby. During moments of […]
First of all, if you are trying to get a flat stomach, I commend you because many, many people these days are trying to lose weight and certainly are not at the point where they can think about having a flat stomach. I have six good articles on my website […]
Make money in your spare time promoting the Team Beachbody online fitness club and make $19.44 on each membership! The Team Beachbody Club is the fastest growing, most effective and affordable online fitness club on the Internet. Hundreds of thousands of members are enjoying the support, guidance, motivation and inspiration […]
My daughter and I went to the zoo today and all of the animals are so beautifully housed and fed and every effort is made to recreate their natural habits and to keep them healthy and happy. Not too fat, not too thin, but eating like they would in […]
A recent study of adolescents with high blood pressure found that those teens who practiced transcendental meditation for 8 months improved the ability of their blood vessels to relax and dilate by 21 percent. That’s about the same improvement expected from taking antihypertensive drugs. Dr. Vernon A. Barnes is a […]
Did I tell you that I am blue in the face? Yes, I’m blue in the face from passionately and unashamedly promoting the benefits of health and fitness and maintaining an ideal weight to everyone that will listen. I do that by telling everyone that in order to be successful […]
On the message boards today, I saw someone write, “I’m getting just a little, no a lot, frustrated with the belly fat that just won’t go away” and I provided a short response. It is a good opportunity for my readers to get more information about the risks of belly […]
Obesity contributes to global warming, too. Obese and overweight people require more fuel to transport them and the food they eat, and the problem will worsen as the population literally swells in size, a team at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine says. This adds to food shortages […]
New research shows “alarming levels” of obesity in most ethnic groups in the United States, principal investigator Dr. Gregory L. Burke, of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina told Reuters Health. The study also confirms the potentially deadly toll obesity exacts on the heart and blood vessels. “The obesity epidemic […]
I’ve been a long time reader of Runner’s World and always find their articles informative and valuable. The marathon isn’t for everyone, but if you do decided to train for one, these 10 tips from Amby Burfoot will help you do it right. “Three weeks before last spring’s London marathon, […]
A major health headline this week was a study dispelling the notion that you can be both fit and fat. Last fall, the wires were abuzz with citations about the dangers of being thin and fat (so-called “skinny fat”). With a national obesity rate of nearly 30 percent, we know […]
It’s no secret that the U.S. is one of the fattest nations in the world: 66.3 percent of Americans over 20 years old are overweight or obese (about 140 million); 32 percent are obese (67 million); and almost 5 percent (9 million) are morbidly obese. Among adolescents 12 to 19 […]
Whatever faith guides you can probably be found on the Beliefnet site. I get words of inspiration from them that guide me through each day. This content is from “Life Is Sweet” by Addie Johnson. Used by permission from Conari Press. “Life Is Sweet” – copyright 2008 – is available […]
I need inspiration and motivation just as much as anyone else. I am blessed to have it come to me in emails or promptings or in the littlest things and then I love to pass it on. I have gotten an email for years entitled, “Insight of the Day” and […]
I am an eternal optimist and that certainly helps when you are trying to motivate people. It is especially helpful when you are asking people to change their bodies and change their lives. I am blessed to get an inspirational email and a good article that I saw recently was, […]
I for one really don’t know any of the warning signs of a stroke. I only know that when I was under a lot of stress last year with a failing business, I thought that I might have a stroke. This article is from Reuters Health: “Fewer than […]
As a parent of an active 3 1/2 year old, I was heartened to see this article and know that she is starting out life on the right foot so to speak. This article appears in CNN Health and is from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. […]
Yikes! That to me is pretty shocking. I don’t go to the doctor and don’t take any prescription medicines. No, I don’t have a death wish and it may not be smart in some people’s minds, but I exercise, eat to nourish my body, take supplements and keep my stress […]
You may wonder what this has to do with health and fitness, but believe me, as the father of a 3 1/2 year old and 1 1/2 year old, the actions of your kids have a lot to do with your mental and physical health. I know that you […]