Whatever faith guides you can probably be found on the Beliefnet site. I get words of inspiration from them that guide me through each day. This content is from “Life Is Sweet” by Addie Johnson. Used by permission from Conari Press. “Life Is Sweet” – copyright 2008 – is available wherever books are sold.
“We struggle with war, poverty, global warming, rising crime rates, and a barrage of news, hardly any of it good. We hear of people getting sick, getting divorced, or dying. Celebrities have fabulous lives, but you don’t, and the “if only’s” threaten to win the day: “My life would be sweet if only I were richer, more famous, thinner, younger, older, had a better job, lived in a different city…”
But happiness is all around you. And it doesn’t care how much money you have or the circumstances of your life. Click through this gallery of tips on how to look on the bright side and find the happiness in front of you.” Continued…