Helping Keep Bodies Fit and Healthy with BODi

Passion, Persistence and Patience

Throughout my life, I have been passionate.   When I started running in high school, it became my passion because I simply loved running and soon realized that I excelled at it.   I learned persistence as my   life’s journey guided me to some significant challenges to face and overcome, but through all of them, I ran.

Until now.   Now I must learn patience, in fact, infinite patience.   Some say that runners are different.   I won’t debate that because I am different.   Yesterday, as I was running for the first time in many, many weeks, I reflected on how I used to run for hours instead of minutes and my patience with life was challenged.   But instead of despairing, I reflected on my lessons in infinite patience that I have learned from my daughters.

You see, I am different.   I am 57, have an almost four year old daughter and an almost 2 year old daughter.   I am also a full time single dad and a full time work at home dad.   That makes me on the one hand, living a life that is different from most other people’s, but on the other hand, feeling more blessed than I ever have in my life.   My daughters have taught me infinite patience and instead of feeling stressed over my situation, I know that they, and our lives together are the ultimate gift.

Not to be overlooked as a blessing, though, is the fact that I am a full time Team Beachbody coach.   Most, if not all people who work at home full time have a substantial amount of work to do that they must fit in at odd times so that they can give much needed attention to their children.   They are probably also linked to a corporate world and may even have to go into the office on occasion.   As an Independent Team Beachbody Coach, I am fully independent and can work as many or as few hours as the day demands to maintain that all important balance in our lives that puts creating a nurturing home and enriching life for my children first.   Part of that balance also includes being fit and healthy and always fitting in time for a workout because as a Beachbody coach, I need to be a role model of health and fitness not only as part of the business aspect of coaching, but also to my family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances.   Now, however, instead of having to leave the house to go run (which I can’t do with the girls almost always with me) I do one of the many excellent Beachbody workout DVD’s and become an even better role model for the girls as they see and “participate” in what I do (or do their own kids workout DVD).   Grace, who won’t be four until November, already says she wants to be a coach just like me!

As a Team Beachbody coach, I passionately follow Beachbody’s lead as they positively impact not only the effects of the obesity epidemic in our country, but also the lives of everyday people around us.   I am persistent because I have seen first hand how Team Beachbody has changed people’s lives and I am committed to continue to improve the health and wellness of the people   that I come in contact with.

And finally, I am patient, as the number of loyal customers that I have grows and I get to experience with them their success.   I am patient, also, as I build trust in what I do and how important it is and see other passionate, persistent and patient people join with me as coaches in a revolution in health and fitness that is sweeping across our country.

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