Did I tell you that I am blue in the face? Yes, I’m blue in the face from passionately and unashamedly promoting the benefits of health and fitness and maintaining an ideal weight to everyone that will listen. I do that by telling everyone that in order to be successful […]
Yearly Archives: 2008
On the message boards today, I saw someone write, “I’m getting just a little, no a lot, frustrated with the belly fat that just won’t go away” and I provided a short response. It is a good opportunity for my readers to get more information about the risks of belly […]
Obesity contributes to global warming, too. Obese and overweight people require more fuel to transport them and the food they eat, and the problem will worsen as the population literally swells in size, a team at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine says. This adds to food shortages […]
New research shows “alarming levels” of obesity in most ethnic groups in the United States, principal investigator Dr. Gregory L. Burke, of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina told Reuters Health. The study also confirms the potentially deadly toll obesity exacts on the heart and blood vessels. “The obesity epidemic […]
I’ve been a long time reader of Runner’s World and always find their articles informative and valuable. The marathon isn’t for everyone, but if you do decided to train for one, these 10 tips from Amby Burfoot will help you do it right. “Three weeks before last spring’s London marathon, […]
A major health headline this week was a study dispelling the notion that you can be both fit and fat. Last fall, the wires were abuzz with citations about the dangers of being thin and fat (so-called “skinny fat”). With a national obesity rate of nearly 30 percent, we know […]
It’s no secret that the U.S. is one of the fattest nations in the world: 66.3 percent of Americans over 20 years old are overweight or obese (about 140 million); 32 percent are obese (67 million); and almost 5 percent (9 million) are morbidly obese. Among adolescents 12 to 19 […]
Whatever faith guides you can probably be found on the Beliefnet site. I get words of inspiration from them that guide me through each day. This content is from “Life Is Sweet” by Addie Johnson. Used by permission from Conari Press. “Life Is Sweet” – copyright 2008 – is available […]
I need inspiration and motivation just as much as anyone else. I am blessed to have it come to me in emails or promptings or in the littlest things and then I love to pass it on. I have gotten an email for years entitled, “Insight of the Day” and […]
I am an eternal optimist and that certainly helps when you are trying to motivate people. It is especially helpful when you are asking people to change their bodies and change their lives. I am blessed to get an inspirational email and a good article that I saw recently was, […]
I for one really don’t know any of the warning signs of a stroke. Â I only know that when I was under a lot of stress last year with a failing business, I thought that I might have a stroke. Â This article is from Reuters Health: “Fewer than […]
As a parent of an active 3 1/2 year old, I was heartened to see this article and know that she is starting out life on the right foot so to speak. Â This article appears in CNN Health and is from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. […]
Yikes! That to me is pretty shocking. I don’t go to the doctor and don’t take any prescription medicines. No, I don’t have a death wish and it may not be smart in some people’s minds, but I exercise, eat to nourish my body, take supplements and keep my stress […]
You may wonder what this has to do with health and fitness, but believe me, as the father of a 3 1/2 year old and 1 1/2 year old, the actions of your kids have a lot to do with your mental and physical health. Â I know that you […]
Anyone who reads my blog is either very faithful or has a lot of time on their hands, since I only post about once a week and I’ve been getting nominated for most boring blog on the Internet. That is changing as I write because I now am going to […]
Does anyone count their blessings anymore? I sure do. But I also know that it is hard on a bad day, but even on the worst day, there are many things to be thankful for. One of the blessings that I don’t have is a coach to give me ideas. […]
If you’re putting a lot of effort into your workouts and supplements but still not feeling the rush of energy and joy you read about on the message boards, the reason might be your food choices. The next time you reach for “fast food” or decide to simply skip a […]
So much of our attitude about life and our capacity to meet life’s challenges depends on the quality of the relationships we have, especially our most intimate relationships. When they go sour, life tends to feel bleak. Because the quality of our relationships has a powerful effect on physical and […]
Do you remember that commercial, “This is your brain” and they showed an egg and then, “This is your brain on drugs” and, if I remember correctly, it was an egg cracked open and hitting a frying pan? Well, I wonder what the portrayal would be of a brain on […]
We know that exercise will help us look better in a bathing suit, but most of us aren’t aware of how important it is when it comes to brain function. While common lore suggests that jocks are dumb and brainiacs rarely leave the research lab, science paints a different picture […]
Most of us make most of our eating decisions based on how they’re going to make our bodies look. But it’s worth remembering that our diets affect how our heads operate, too. Brain function depends on an enormously complex system of chemicals and electrical impulses, and the fuel we put […]
Sure, you’ve thought about brain food before, but have you ever thought about the brains behind the food? Doesn’t sound too appealing at first, I know. I’m referring to the people who were responsible for some of the most successful food ad campaigns, making their products standouts in a market […]
Those words might precede words like, “…garbage pick up will be __________” or “… all winter coats will be ____% off”. But sadly, you hear “starting tomorrow” more often in terms of lifestyle changes. I am going to quit smoking tomorrow, I am going to quit drinking tomorrow, I am […]
Once a child moves beyond breastfeeding, it’s up to us parents to take on the awesome responsibility of navigating our way through a pretty lousy American diet and nourishing our kids in ways that help — not hinder — their growing bodies and brains. This is more challenging than it […]
As a nation, we are obsessed with food. Fast-food restaurants and their billboards clutter our city streets. Volumes have been written on the topic of food. Newsstands are littered with magazines about it, and there is even an entire television network devoted just to food. We savor it, discuss it, […]
When aren’t we going on and on about how you need to eat more vegetables? They’re full of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, and they’re low in calories and fat. And one of the best ways to eat them? Raw. So you’re trying to be a good camper, with your bowl […]
Milk: does it really do a body good? This advertising icon is one that most of us are familiar with. It’s also one of the most maligned slogans in history. A quick headline search reveals a slew of parodies, ranging from sarcastically simple “milk: it does a body bad” to […]
One of my childhood memories is collecting the little paper tags from the Lipton tea bags. They had sayings on them and I kept them in a little clear plastic box. Every time my Mom got a new box of tea bags, I would pull off all of the tags […]
If you’re like most Americans, you’re probably eating only three servings of fruits and vegetables a day, if that. Big mistake. Research shows that the more veggies you consume daily, the better off you’ll be, in terms of overall health and body weight. Aim for five to nine or even […]
By now, most of us know what we should be eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and fish, among other foods. But anyone heading off to the supermarket with a shopping list of the best recommendations for a healthy diet is in for a bit of sticker shock. Over […]
An Open Letter from Rich to His Coaches. As coaches, fitness persecution is a real fear that we all have and it certainly limits our desire to spread the religion of fitness. Although we are passionate when we are among those who share our beliefs and feel safe when we […]
Onions, garlic, and leeks the bane of the romantic evening, but the balm for so much else. These aromatic and pungent stars of the vegetable world are all members of the allium family and have myriad health benefits, both real and purported, not the least of which is all those […]
Big Pharma took another hit last month when some studies were released showing that two anticholesterol drugs, Zetia and Vytorin, were ineffective in lowering the risk of heart disease. These drugs did approximately 5 billion dollars in business last year, mainly because they are safer than other more proven anticholesterol […]
Writing as much as I do, I don’t know if I mentioned in a blog or newsletter that I lived in Guatemala for almost five years in the late seventies. The experience was life changing for the better, even though my woodworking business failed because of the political turmoil in […]
Early Friday morning, I took my Toyota in for its 30,000 mile service and as I always do, ran home (no big deal, it’s only 3 1/4 miles). On top of the $604.81 bill at Toyota, that same day I got a taste of the new $3.29 a gallon gasoline, […]
Tulips and daffodils are blooming. Butterflies and birds are flying under sunny skies. It’s springtime! What better way to chase away the winter blues than to get your blood pumping by doing a bit of spring cleaning. A recent British study showed that the Brits burn over 50,000 calories a […]
It’s springtime, which means that for a lot of us it’s time to do a deep clean of our homes throwing out the old, organizing the new, storing the winter clothes, and getting ready for warmer weather and a fresh start. For others, it’s the beginning of another season of […]
My workouts revolve around P90X, but in the late afternoon on Sunday, I go for a good run. I paused at my turn around point because the view was so extraordinary with the Sandia Mountains standing majestically to the East. I was thinking of the words to say to express […]
There have always been rumors spread about food. Remember the one about the Kentucky Fried rat or Mikey, the kid from the Life cereal commercials, who allegedly expired after washing down his Pop Rocks with a Coca-Cola? These, like so many, turned out to be apocryphal, but now in the […]
Two stories on World News Tonight Saturday evening grabbed my attention. One was about the collapsed economy in Zimbabwe under the Presidency, since 1980, of Robert Mugabe. The other story was about how much money drug companies spend on marketing and how much of that money is directed to doctors. […]
I am a full time Beachbody Coach and I love what I do. I live and breath health and fitness and I am a role model to everyone around me. I’m 57, don’t take any prescription medications, no Aleve or other anti inflammatories,, don’t have aches and pains, etc. etc. […]