Think of Beachbody On Demand like Netflix used to be. Do you remember ordering DVD’s and then waiting a day or two for them to arrive in the mail? Then they started streaming a handful of movies and then more movies and now you can watch just about anything that […]
Happy New Year 2017. I don’t know about you, but 2016 may rank as one of my worst years ever and I am so glad that it’s over. It was a year that I looked forward to but little did I know that it would hold so many challenges and […]
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope that you all have a joy filled and healthy day with your families!
From the Beachbody On Demand Blog, October 11, 2016 | BY: Denis Faye, M.S. The Short Answer: It’s absolutely OK to have a cheat meal! If the rest of your diet plan is tight, there’s nothing wrong with cutting loose once or twice a week. In fact, the shift in […]
Big week ahead, if we make it that way. Driving hard with Focus T25, the number 1 infomercial on TV, a special on P90X and P90X2, and thousands of coaches courageously building challenge groups. You said you had big dreams when we were in Vegas. No matter how much progress […]
How I Came To Love Coaching I began coaching with one runner in 1983 and it was more of a mutually supportive training partnership. I then started running with a group of runners in Princeton, NJ. Part of that group came to rely on me to provide the workouts for […]
Country Heat is a fun and simple dance inspired workout that will help you to burn calories while you move your body to the beat of some of your favorite songs. You can purchase Country Heat for $59.85 by clicking here or you can get it for just $10.00 in […]
The biggest problem with Shakeology (that’s right, there’s actually a problem with Shakeology) is that it’s really hard to classify. It’s not really a meal replacement nor is it a protein shake. So what the heck is it? The thing is, Shakeology is so much more. By placing it in […]
Want to try yoga but too intimidated by the complicated poses? Or, do you think you’re simply not flexible enough to contort yourself into a pretzel? Then, you’re going to love 3 Week Yoga Retreat, exclusively to Beachbody On Demand. 3 Week Yoga Retreat is perfect if you’re new to […]
“I’m not flexible enough to do yoga.†You’ve heard that one before. You might have even said it yourself. Well, I’m here to tell you that your inflexibility actually makes it easier to feel the stretch – which is what we are going for in yoga class! Think about […]
Almost 7 1/2 years ago, I started drinking Shakeology. Last week, I went for a wellness check requested by my Medicare provider (I’m 65). At the appointment, the woman said that she is used to seeing very sick people and as part of the appointment, I was even given power […]
THE 20s has kicked off and we’ll be spotlighting one trainer a week here on the Blog. They’ll also be taking over the Beachbody Facebook and Instagram channels, so make sure to tune into both! Meet Sabrina – the 5’5 3/4†27-year-old trainer from Lincolntown, Georgia. For THE 20s, this […]
According to the National Sleep Foundation, among adults in the United States, up to 40 percent of the population has problems falling asleep or feeling sleepy during daytime hours. A brand-new study published in Respiratory Medicine found that consistent exercise in subjects who suffer from sleep apnea significantly improves sleep […]
Can you really get a good workout in just 22 minutes? Yes and I should know because I have 22 Minute Hard Corps and I know that you will love the workouts and the program as much as I do. What you will love even more is saving a lot […]
Need a little motivation to work out? We bet this will get you pumped. Beachbody is giving away over $1 million and you can automatically qualify to split a piece of the prize! All you have to do is participate in a Challenge Group on the My Challenge Tracker App […]
After her third pregnancy, Jaimie felt the heaviest she’s ever been. She wanted to be a healthier version of herself for her sons and her husband. She decided to try INSANITY and saw immediate success! After just two rounds, she lost 62 pounds! Read about her success in her own […]
Eating more than your body needs over and over again is the best strategy for weight gain. Rocket science? Of course not. Most Americans have figured out how to tip the scales with70 percent now falling into the overweight or obese categories. But what happens inside your body when you […]
Instagram users upload 80 million photos on a given day. Granted, many of them are blurry selfies, memes, baby pics, and landscape shots, 99 percent of which have been mutilated by a gross misunderstanding of filter etiquette. But a bundle of those 80M is also of food: colorful salads […]
How do I know that the 3 Day Refresh works? Because I bought it and used it and got just the results that I was looking for – dropping a few pounds and feeling “refreshed” and ready to resume my clean eating and superfood nutrition with Shakeology. Break the Cycle […]
With Grace leaving for a week at the Southern Rockies Discipleship Camp on Saturday morning, Carly and I ended up going to the Freedom Celebration at Isotope’s Park by ourselves. It was the most joyous thing that we have ever done and we became part of the largest crowd ever […]
I’ve been having heart rate issues for years, dating back to at least 20 years ago when I first moved to Albuquerque from New Jersey. It has always been with my running heart rate until recently. Some of those issues have subsided but have been replaced with an irregular heart […]
Great news Beachbody On Demand fans! Digital Instant Access is now available via Beachbody On Demand. What does that mean? It means Beachbody On Demand premium paid club members can take advantage of huge savings by unlocking digital-only versions of Beachbody programs. In addition to T25, Body Beast and […]
It was 9 years ago when I became a Team Beachbody Coach and I didn’t, nor did anyone else, know what we were doing. I just saw an opportunity to help a lot of people get healthier and fitter by working out at home. My part was to guide, motivate […]
I read this devotional last night after hearing a message from Steve Berger on courage at Calvary Albuquerque. Is the river of life flowing in you or has it been reduced to a trickle? What is your fervent desire for your life? For it to flow freely in you or […]
Quick post to let you know about the huge savings on P90X, P90X2, P90X3, Insanity and Brazil Butt Lift between now and March 24th (while supplies last). You can get P90X with a free P90X Plus workout at 58% off – just $49.95 Or get P90X2 with the Stability Ball […]
According to this article, “Don’t fall off the “fitness cliff”: How to stick to your New Year’s exercise goals” from a study by Gold’s Gym, yesterday was “the turning point when people who committed themselves to gym-going in January slack off and stop showing up regularly. They call it the […]
I am not anything other than a regular guy who started running and then kept going. There was a break in the late 70’s when I lived in Guatemala and played a lot of soccer, but I still ran occasionally, too. When I returned to the United States, […]
Last night I had this inspired idea and I almost pulled it off, but not quite. We’ve had some really cold weather in Albuquerque lately and I had my Polar T-shirt under another shirt. My not so brilliant idea was to have Carly take a picture of me […]
No, my year doesn’t start on February 1st. It has just taken a month to take this year’s bull by the horns and put in place a plan to make this the best year ever. At the end of last year, I was told that I would be […]
Last night, I read a Joyce Meyer devotional, “Promises for Your Everyday Life – a Daily Devotional” with the title above. I am going to share it in its entirety below because it is exactly what we should be thinking as we plan out our lives. “Some of us […]
With just a matter of minutes before I dedicate the rest of the evening to the girls and we watch “War Room“, I just wanted to do a quick post about dealing with rough days. I’ve had a few in a row, but have successfully dealt with them in […]
Café Latte Shakeology, the newest flavor of Shakeology is here! It’s smooth, creamy, and tastes just like a blended iced coffee drink. In addition to the superfoods found in other Shakeology flavors, Café Latte Shakeology also includes whole coffee fruit, made from unroasted coffee beans and the cherry-like fruit that […]
Yesterday I created a new accountability group entitled, “Fitness Simplified, Nutrition Simplified“. I want to share with you how I stay healthy, fit and how you, too, can do it like I do for about $4.00 a day. Every day, I have the opportunity to do a workout following a […]
I love the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme from Autumn Calabrese and Body Beast from Sagi Kalev. Now they’ve teamed up on a workout program together that you will absolutely love. Announcing The Master’s Hammer and Chisel, a 60-day program that will help you craft a defined, […]
In case any of you thought that I didn’t wake up from the nap that I mentioned in Day 2 of the 21 Day Fix and that would explain why there wasn’t another post, I am happy to say that I just got sidetracked – for 19 days apparently. It’s […]
Now I’m feeling better. I did a search for nap on my website and there are plenty of results. I did what I said yesterday that I was going to do today and I ran for about 20:00 or so and then did 21 Day Fix Upper Fix. […]
Given the opportunity to work out with a friend in the SuperGym and in our Take Charge of Your Body for Life Facebook challenge group, I decided to start the 21 Day Fix over again. It was an easy decision really because I had already gotten behind on my […]
It’s after 10:00 and I am finally able to sit down and eat my steel cuts oats for breakfast. This must be at least the 1,000th time, since I’ve had them almost every morning since April 25th, 2012. That is the day that I started The Ultimate Reset […]
We’ve all been there. I know that I have. Years ago I would have let it really bother me. Now I know that everything happens for a reason and I just have to let it go (as long as it doesn’t happen over and over!). What Team […]
When I started out doing P90X, it exceeded my expectations of what in-home workouts could be. I tried other workouts before; some I enjoyed, while I thought others were just cheesy. After P90X brought me great results, I wanted to mix it up a bit so I gave Insanity a […]
Update: I have now been drinking Shakeology for almost 7 years. My first day was March 20th, 2009. I’ve been drinking Shakeology every day for over five years. Who do I thank for finding and combining all of the great ingredients in Shakeology? Darin Olien! Here’s […]
Whether it was a prolonged illness in the family or recovery from an accident or the nightmare of divorce, we’ve all experienced times in our lives when it was if we were in a tunnel and all that we could focus on was what was within the confines of that […]