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Beachbody On Demand Digital Instant Access Now Available

Great news Beachbody On Demand fans! Digital Instant Access is now  available via Beachbody On Demand. What does that mean?   It means  Beachbody On Demand premium paid club members can  take advantage of huge savings by unlocking  digital-only versions of Beachbody  programs. In addition to T25, Body Beast and CIZE programs that were previously available, you can now also unlock P90, PiYo, 21 Day Fix Extreme, INSANITY MAX:30, 21 Day Fix, The Master’s Hammer and Chisel, and 22 Minute Hard Corps  directly on BOD.  This will  only  include base kit workouts, deluxe kit workouts, and base & deluxe workout bundles.

To get your free trial membership for Beachbody On Demand, click here.



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