Stress is the silent killer. Financial pressure causes a massive increase in stress, which leads to disease. There are several organizations that can assist you in managing, reducing, and eliminating your debt. When you free yourself from financial worry you are more likely to be happier and healthier.
Shakeolog is a delicious patent-pending formula that is packed with proteins and energy-providing carbohydrates, plus a combination of nutrients that is simply impossible to find at your local supermarket or even health food store. Beachbody searched the world to find acai and goji berries, camu-camu, quinoa, wheatgrass, maca root, and […]
Our meat and dairy supply is loaded with growth hormones. These hormones are given to the animal to speed growth in order to increase production and profits. When you consume meat and dairy you are giving yourself massive amounts of growth hormones. This leads to obesity, and is one of […]
Vitamins are chemical substances that serve a wide variety of purposes in the body. They regulate the chemical processes responsible for converting ingested food into an energy source that the body can use. Vitamins also feed metabolism, aid in cell rejuvenation, and help process the foods you eat, which in […]
One of the main causes of indigestion, heartburn, gas, bloating and constipation is a lack of digestive enzymes in your stomach and intestine. Because of antibiotics, other nonprescription and prescription drugs, chlorinated and fluoride-full water, it has been shown that most people simply do not have enough digestive enzymes in […]
Step 1. Make sure that the very first meal of your day is chewed up completely. Do Not let any food or liquids enter your throat until it has mixed with the proper amounts of saliva and enzymes. The key is to digest the foods as much as humanly possible, […]
Quinoa, one of the 70 plus super foods found in Shakeology helps fight migraine headaches, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and that’s just to name a few.
Super Food (Sacha Inchi) is one of the 70 plus super foods that make up Shakeology. Sacha Inchi is naturally rich in protein and fiber, so it’s a strong appetite controller (nature’s diet). Then it goes a step further by helping to speed up your metabolism, so you can […]
Never jump into any exercise full throttle. This is basically a shock to your body. And it is not good for you. When you do this you are stressing your body too much. Think about this, for example…it is 30 degrees out side,…freezing….and you jump into your car every morning […]
To change your metabolism and therefore change your set-point (the body’s preprogrammed weight) you need to spend more time exercising, which will increase that crucial calorie-burning muscle. When enough muscle has been built, you will burn so many more calories in a day that your body will have to […]
Sometimes in life, we often make things more complicated then they should be. Sometimes we just flat out think too hard. Big things in life all start from small things, (simple things). I guess what I am trying to say is that we just need to start off by doing […]