Honestly, I am not looking forward to a year with “13” in it, but what if it could be our luckiest year ever? I have a to-do-list and the things on the list have to come first in my daily activities, but there are exceptions. I am a fan of […]
If there was ever a video that embodied the message and the hope and the results that you will get with Team Beachbody, this is it. Join us now and take the Team Beachbody Challenge…
I’ve been on a roll and posting some things on Facebook that weren’t exactly politically correct. Here are just a few: Scott posted about food regulation and I personally think that people are just plain stupid to eat the way that they do. “I don’t eat any junk food, […]
I am a voracious reader when it comes to faith, family and fitness and Thursday I read an article in the New York Times that I find disturbing. It is entitled, “China’s Next Revolution Is in Fitness” which on the surface doesn’t seem that interesting or significant but this line […]
This morning, I read this headline, “Obesity to Worsen, Weigh Heavily on Healthcare Costs“. The article went on to say that “If present trends continue, about half of both men and women in the United States will be obese by 2030, health experts warned”. What is most tragic about this […]
There’s that word mission again. I recently used it in another blog post and stated how I can’t say, “mission accomplished”. This time, though, it is so appropriate because the Team Beachbody community is on a mission to end the trend of obesity and the epidemic of diabetes. […]
I am about to go on a rampage of outrage because of the state of this country right now and we are all in some way responsible. If you don’t think that the fate of this country is in our hands, then think again. Here are some statistics that speak […]
I remember John Candy from movies like “Stripes“, “Cool Runnings” and “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” (where he played Del, the shower curtain ring salesman) and how he made so many people laugh. That was his gift to everyone around him. He stopped giving that gift when he died […]
You need to lose weight, you need to lower your cholesterol, you need to get your blood pressure down, you need to… When are you going to stop being a ticking time bomb? Do you need to get the life sentence of diabetes from being overweight or obese? […]
On Tuesday as we all know, there was a devastating earthquake in Haiti. Is it connected to the floor that collapsed in a building on Wednesday? No, that was the floor in the Weight Watchers weigh in room and the 20 people there thought that it was an […]
Yesterday I read an article in CNN Health entitled, “Is the fat acceptance movement bad for our health?” Why do we need a fat acceptance movement? Who cares if you are fat or thin or somewhere in between. What difference does it make if you are tall […]
They say that by 2018, an obese person will pay about $2,500 more in health care costs so they probably pay maybe $1,500.00 more now. The cost of a good Team Beachbody workout ranges between $59.85 and $119.85 and the Team Beachbody Club membership is just over $150.00 a […]
CHICAGO (Reuters) – Obesity-related diseases account for nearly 10 percent of all medical spending in the United States or an estimated $147 billion a year, U.S. researchers said Monday. They said obese people spend 40 percent more — or $1,429 more per year — in healthcare costs than people of […]
I hope that everyone had a great weekend and that you are ready for the challenges and rewards of the week ahead. For me, there were, as always, wonderful aspects of the weekend, but this particular one leaves me haunted by what we saw at the circus on Saturday. […]
We at Beachbody ® are at war against the most formidable opponent the United States has ever faced: obesity. It’s killing more people a month than our two other more high-profile combatants terror and drugs have killed this decade. Obesity is the Darth Vader of all the dangers we’ll face […]
My daughter and I went to the zoo today and all of the animals are so beautifully housed and fed and every effort is made to recreate their natural habits and to keep them healthy and happy. Not too fat, not too thin, but eating like they would in […]
Obesity contributes to global warming, too. Obese and overweight people require more fuel to transport them and the food they eat, and the problem will worsen as the population literally swells in size, a team at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine says. This adds to food shortages […]
New research shows “alarming levels” of obesity in most ethnic groups in the United States, principal investigator Dr. Gregory L. Burke, of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina told Reuters Health. The study also confirms the potentially deadly toll obesity exacts on the heart and blood vessels. “The obesity epidemic […]
I am an Ambassador of Fitness. Will you join me in my quest? Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor from Reuters Health News wrote an article August 28, parts of which I will quote here: Americans are fatter than ever, with obesity rates up in most states and fewer people […]