Helping Keep Bodies Fit and Healthy with BODi

The Power of the Before & After Photo

I have referenced in previous posts about the power of the “before” picture and the impact it has had on my motivation to eat clean and workout  consistently.

It is a bit scary for me to put this out there as I am not very comfortable sharing my body (with the world) but I believe this may help someone,  so here it goes . . .

It all began last September when I decided I was going to ramp up my efforts to get back into shape after having our 2nd baby last June. I signed up for a virtual eat clean / fitness 90 day challenge group. Part of the deal was to submit a “before” picture. (it wouldn’t be shared unless I won).  It was going to be hard for me to take my own picture the way it was requested so I asked Dan (my husband) to take it for me. Even though I wore just a sports bra and shorts (no bikini) I knew this was going to be dreadful.

Dan took the photos and was very sweet about it. Once he handed me my phone and I scrolled through the front, back and side images I started to cry.  I looked so tired, out of shape and sad. I honestly did not recognize who I saw.  I asked him “This is what I look like?” Then I started to laugh because It was just  that  ridiculous to me (I guess I thought I looked better than I did!) and also I realized Dan might have been feeling a bit awkward. I was crying and laughing at the same time.  Like I said, Dan was  very  sweet and I remember him saying to me – “You can do it Trish, you’ll get back into shape.”

Here’s the pic:

I completed the 90 day challenge  and while I didn’t win what I did win was priceless. I won the power of the “before picture” and  motivation like none other.  I never expected how much I would consider this picture going forward. I looked at it when I was tired and just being lazy. I  thought about this picture while working out. When tempted to eat junk food, I thought about this picture again. I would remember how I felt when I saw it for the first time. I imagined what it would feel like to look at a picture I was proud of. A picture that wouldn’t make me laugh and cry. Perhaps this is vain but I have always exercised and I just wanted to be back to what I had been. I wanted to feel good about myself and how I looked again.

So this  before  picture actually means a lot to me. It shows me, how far I have come, how hard I have worked and it proves to me that what I am doing is working! It reminds me that I  can  do it. No matter how frustrated I get at times with plateaus, and whatever – it reminds me of the bigger picture. I am on the  committed  road to health and fitness and plan to stay here.

I have not stopped taking pictures. Below, is my progress timeline. I no longer look at my pictures and feel bad. I see improvements I would like to make but I also see a healthier, happier, more energetic wife and mommy. I am happy with myself.
Please note: while I am not smiling in my April photo – I am much happier than I was in September. 😉

I plan to take my next “after” picture on the beach over July 4th weekend! 🙂 This won’t be my last picture either. I believe in the ever evolving “before” picture. I believe in eating clean as a  lifestyle. I believe in working out and a good sweat session. Finally, I believe in doing whatever you need to stay motivated.  If you need motivation – how about taking your “before” picture?  I challenge  you! 😉

I hope this helps just  1  person to get motivated and start making some changes.

You. Can. Do. This.  

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