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Pirate Pumpkin Grog Shakeology Recipe

 Pirate Pumpkin Grog Shakeology

Avast, me hearties! You moms and dads have been dealin’ with your scurvy crew of kiddos all Halloween long with nary a concern for yerselves! You, too, deserve a share of the treasure, but if nutrient-poor spoils like candy and booze make ya want to walk the plank, fill your tankard with this saucy, high-fiber concoction suited for captains and kings alike. It’ll put some pep in your step and help you look eyepatch-popping hot in the sexy pirate costume that you saved for after the kids are tucked into their hammocks.


  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup vanilla almond milk
  • 1-1/2 tsp. pure rum extract
  • 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
  • 1/2 cup pure pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 to 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 cup ice


  1. Place water, almond milk, rum extract, Shakeology, pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, and ice in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.
  2. Serve immediately.

Nutritional Information: (per serving)

Calories Fat Saturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
255 4g 1 g 0 mg 231 mg 36 g 12 g 19 g 20 g

Body Beastâ„¢ and P90X ®/P90X2 ® Portion Information

Body Beast Nutritional Information:

Protein Veggie Starch
2 3 1

P90X/P90X2 Nutritional Information:

Protein Carb/Starch Veggie
1 1/2 1

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