If you read my post from earlier today, you may have thought, yeah, yeah. What a coincidence that CNN has an article this afternoon entitled, “Too much TV may mean earlier death”. It says, in part, “Watching too much television can make you feel a bit brain-dead. According to […]
Yearly Archives: 2010
This isn’t going to be one of those, “In my day” rants, but honestly, years ago, people prided themselves in never giving up and never quitting. I don’t live in some parallel universe and come up with these commentaries. I see people give up, I hear about people […]
Having been a runner for almost 44 years, I know my body. I am very consistent in my training and performances as well as nutrition and lifestyle habits, so when I start to not run well, I know that my body is fighting off something. On Thanksgiving Day […]
It is hard to believe, but today is the anniversary of the day three years ago when I decided to click on a link in an email from Neil Evans from Beachbody that gave me the opportunity to sign up as a Team Beachbody Coach. I had the gotten the […]
Yesterday I read an article in CNN Health entitled, “Is the fat acceptance movement bad for our health?” Why do we need a fat acceptance movement? Who cares if you are fat or thin or somewhere in between. What difference does it make if you are tall […]
According to the article in WalletPop, “As recently as 2004, school lunch beef contained as much as 15% of this ammonia-treated filler as a means of saving a whole three cents per pound.” When you read the article, it says that, “Beef Products began to blast its filler product […]
Is 2010 starting out as bad for you as 2009 ended? It is for me and the very least of the problems that I am facing is still trying to get over the effects of the swine flu. Am I discouraged? No, I’m defiant and I will […]
Today is the first work day of the New Year and also the starting day for many resolution driven fitness programs and weight loss programs. But you can’t just start your engine with a resolution, you have to have something that will keep driving you forward toward your destination. […]
Let’s face it, we’re all just like fish in the sea of fitness, and just like all people who work out, we thrive in different environments. Basically, we can be divided into the people who go to the gym and the people who would never work out at the […]
You know by now that I’m no Billy Mays. I’m not trying to pitch something or convince you to do something that you absolutely have to do. I’m just a coach who tries things and uses things before he recommends them to his athletes. Whether it was a […]
It was 15 years ago today that I started the website Howtobefit.com, so I want to take this opportunity to not only wish you a Happy New Year, but also to thank you for your continued interest and support over all those years. Howtobefit.com was conceived from a desire to […]