Helping Keep Bodies Fit and Healthy with BODi

Choosing To Change

My primary reason for my presence on the Internet has always been to provide information on fitness, health and nutrition and to provide access to the means to optimize your wellbeing. Over, time, my sites have grown faster than my ability to properly maintain them and now that I have a low stress occupation, I have more time to provide information to you in the organized format that you deserve. In the process of going through each of the 1,007 articles on my site to make sure that they are indexed for you to find, I began to come across articles about choosing and changing (okay, so I am going through the articles alphabetically and I have only gotten to the “C’s”) and that is really a big part of the essence of making your life what you want it to be.

You can talk to someone until you are blue in the face, but if they aren’t ready to listen or aren’t ready to change, your words and energy are being wasted. Everyone has their own timetable for change and their own reasons to make choices. For instance, you can tell someone that they won’t get the results that they want as quickly and as effectively by just dieting as they would with diet and exercise, but until they are ready to get off of the couch and start moving, you are wasting your time saying anything.

There is a story on AOL, from USA Today about Scott Spiezio. Just 17 months ago, Spiezio was on top of the baseball world as the Cardinals won the World Series. Now, he faces jail time and his friends fear for his safety. Spiezio was released from the Cardinals on Feb. 26, the same day a warrant was issued for his arrest, stemming from a DUI incident in Irvine, Calif. in which he is accused of attacking a friend.

Tampa Bay Rays pitcher Troy Percival, who played with Spiezio with the Angels from 2000 to 2003 and with the Cardinals last season, says he strongly believes his former teammate needs help. He says he tried to help Spiezio, sitting up night after night in Spiezio’s hotel room last year, trying to persuade him to seek treatment. It went nowhere, with Spiezio even threatening to hit Percival if he didn’t leave, Percival says.

Change is apparently not something that Scott Spiezio is ready for, even though he desperately needs to change. Whether you need to make little changes or big changes, those changes ultimately have to be your choice. Those around you will suggest change and their intentions are good and honorable, but we all have free will and it is us alone that can exercise that free will, whether to make good choices or bad choices….

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