Helping Keep Bodies Fit and Healthy with BODi

Today’s Featured Team Beachbody Coach

Team Beachbody Coach Amy AdamsTeam Beachbody Coach Amy AdamsI am 33 years old and have been working out for the past decade. Over the years I’ve become more interested in health, nutrition and fitness. I am not one of those people who can eat whatever I want and stay thin, but I also do not want to be. From what I have learned about food, nutrition and what we put into our bodies, I want to eat to live, not live to eat. Not only do our food choices affect our outward physique; it also affects our inward overall health. We all will pay now or pay later. Pay now by making healthy, sometimes costly choices, to keep us more healthy. Or, we will pay later, by visiting the doctor, having surgery, treating sometimes preventable illnesses.
Learn more Coach Amy Adams

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