Focus on Your Fitness
Balloon Fiesta has come and gone here in Albuquerque and we are more than three weeks into fall. Most of us came off of summer with pretty good levels of fitness and hopefully being pretty healthy. But now we are inside more, cold and flu season has already started and winter lies ahead.
On top of that, we are headed into the season of indulgence, starting with Halloween just two weeks from now. Then it is Thanksgiving, holiday parties, New Years and endless football and basketball games. The season of indulgence doesn’t really end until after the Super Bowl and that is when we start thinking, “what did I just do to my body” unless you start focusing on your fitness now.
I know that to focus on your fitness now sounds like I am being a Debbie Downer, but if you don’t, you will regret it later. I am just telling you the truth. Think of me like being one of the many prophets in the Bible who had to bear the truth, even as bad as the news might be.
My truth also comes with the guarantee that if you focus on your fitness now and get to your goal or close to your goal, you won’t want to mess up and take four steps backward over the next four months. That doesn’t make any sense and it will make far less sense later when you are looking in the mirror and seeing what you’ve done. When you think of slipping and sliding backwards, think of that smiling face special shapes balloon as me looking over you and urging you to make the right choice!
Being Transparent
I was thinking about coaching you yesterday morning. Remember, the free Team Beachbody membership comes with me as your coach. I have been coaching for over 35 years, starting with a single marathon runner in 1983, then going on to coach high school and club runners. In 1995, I became an ACE certified personal trainer and then in 2007, a full time Team Beachbody Coach. The Beachbody On Demand membership for $13.00 a month comes with all of the streaming workouts, the workout plans, meal plans, the blog, and me as your coach. The business membership, for $15.95 a month, includes me as your coach and a 25% discount on all of the Team Beachbody products that you buy.
To be completely transparent, I do make a small commission on the Beachbody On Demand membership, but not on the other memberships. Team Beachbody coaches provide free coaching so that you get the most out of whichever membership you choose.
To check out the different membership options, go to and click on How to Get Free Coaching, How to Stream Workouts and How to Join Our Team in the left menu. You can also go to Team Beachbody coach Rich Dafter to learn more or email me at I want to help you to reach your health, fitness and positive lifestyle goals and beyond and that is why I love coaching so much.
6 Weeks of The Work Promo Code

6 Weeks of The Work Free Sample Workout

Shakeology Pumpkin Spice is Back in Stock!
Last week, I had to remove the link to Pumpkin Spice because it went out of stock in the US and Canada, but now they have new supplies and it is available again. They also made a change on shipping, too. As of yesterday, there is flat rate $6.95 shipping whether you order one box or more, so that is a great deal. To grab a box (or two) before it goes out of stock again, click here.
Morning Meltdown 100 is Now on Beachbody On Demand
If you have been waiting patiently for the day to come, Jericho McMatthew’s Morning Meltdown 100 is in the Member Library. Everyone has a fitness personality maybe Amoila isn’t for you (or even Jericho), so that is why we now have virtually every Beachbody workout available to stream on any device at any time of the day on Beachbody On Demand. If you haven’t checked out BOD yet, click here and then select the 3 Month Membership with the 14 day free trial.