Helping Keep Bodies Fit and Healthy with BODi

Insanity is the Best Part of My Day!

Not many people would admit that unless they meant the same Insanity that Kristen did.   What an amazing physical and emotional transformation and she is $500 richer, too!   Here is her story in her own words…

“From the 6th grade on, I have NEVER weighed less than 200 lbs. Then, I got pregnant and gained 100 lbs. Now I was even worse off. I couldn’t even walk from my front door to my car without getting winded. I was horribly depressed. I hated the way I looked, hated the sight of the person looking back at me from the mirror. And I was scared I was on my way to having a heart attack and I was only 21 years old.

But when I caught the Insanity infomercial and saw that someone went from 430 lbs., all the way down to 180 lbs., that got me thinking they were able to lose all that weight, ‘why can’t I?’ So I Googled other INSANITY results and saw a bunch of people who lost a lot of weight. It seemed like no one who sticks with this workout fails. Every single person who does it gets results.

So I jumped on and ordered the full INSANITY pack and I can’t tell you how happy I am that I did. I chose INSANITY because I needed a life transformation and that’s exactly what I got. Yes, I lost more than 112 lbs., and that’s wonderful, but I also went from a lazy, unhealthy, tired, sad person to someone that looks forward to waking up each morning!

I went from not being able to do one push up NOT EVEN ONE to being able to do moving push ups, suicide jumps, and full body workouts. It’s INSANE how strong INSANITY has made me. I can’t believe the amount of core strength I have built. I can even do all the ab workouts Shaun T has us do.

A lot of my success goes to Shaun T. When I see him exhausted and asking to get some water from someone because he is gone, then I know that I can do this workout and get results. I mean, he created the workout and he still pushes himself as hard as he can. Before I know it, I am doing the final stretch with a big smile on my face!

Shakeology was a huge help. My biggest challenge was my diet, and committing to Shakeology is the smartest health decision I have ever made. It helped me lose weight, regulate my digestion, and gave me tons of energy to burn during my workouts and even throughout the day.

Now I can honestly say that Beachbody saved my life. Without Beachbody and the fitness I have achieved, I believe I would literally be having a heart attack any day now.

How can I ever say thanks enough?”

Meet Kristen.   She participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for December 18th!

You can change your life, too. Take The Beachbody Challengeâ„¢, for the ultimate motivation to get fit! Select any Beachbody ® program and once you complete it, share your results for your chance to win cash and prizes.

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