Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life

Success and Significance

As Team Beachbody Coaches, we focus a lot of energy on self improvement so that we can grow and learn and succeed in order to be able to help others to do the same. Many of the steps to self improvement include reading and listening and following successful leaders – those who have blazed the path for us to the promised land of success.

I recently heard a success coach mention the book Halftime by Bob Buford and was intrigued. The premise of the book is that we spend the first half of our lives being busy with “getting and gaining, earning and learning,” doing what you can to survive, while clawing our way up the ladder of success. That is the success half of our lives. The second half of our lives is significance and it is about “regaining control, calling your own shots, and enjoying ‘God’s desire for you to serve him just by being who you are, by using what he gave you to work with.'” Buford argues that whether you are a millionaire, a manager, or a teacher, you will one day have to transition from the struggle for success to the quest for significance.

What lies between is Halftime and that “halftime” is a quiet time of deliberate decision-making, restructuring, and passionate contemplation of your heart’s deepest desires.

Many occupations offer success and significance simultaneously, like being a doctor or a teacher. Both of those examples, though, require years of education and a substantial expense as well as working long hours to achieve success.

There is an opportunity, though, that gives you both success and significance simultaneously and that is the Team Beachbody opportunity. The cost to begin is minimal and you can start immediately. You can achieve success with your weight loss, fitness and wellness goals and achieve significance at the same time by sharing what you are doing with others and help them to a healthier and more fulfilling life. Virtually everyone has success with Team Beachbody products from losing weight, to having more energy and self esteem, to having better quality of life and even adding a few years to their lives.

By joining us in this opportunity, you can share with those around you the gift of health and fitness and achieve more financial success at the same time. The rewards can range from making enough money to pay some extra bills and expenses to making a car payment or mortgage payment to achieving financial independence. And it all starts with sharing a gift that you have with someone else.

To learn more about the Team Beachbody opportunity and to join us in changing people’s lives, please click here.

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