Helping Keep Bodies Fit and Healthy with BODi

Job 1 + Bike 1 30-Day Programs

Job 1 + Bike 1 are the June Super Blocks and Jennifer Jacobs is back and ready to make healthy habits your number one priority. She has two Super Blocks that work your entire body and leave you dripping in sweat in just 20 minutes!

Job 1 + Bike 1

If you’re a fan of the original Job 1, you know that Jennifer’s no-nonsense approach gets serious results.

And if you’re new to Jennifer’s workouts, you’ll love how she makes reaching your goals a realistic and attainable commitment.

All you have to do is show up, get the job done, and you’ll leave feeling amazing.

This June, when you unlock the Job 1 Super Block, you’ll also unlock Jennifer’s 20-minute cycling Super Block, Bike 1. When you buy one, the second will automatically be added to your BODi library.

With two ways to get the job done, it’s never been easier to get in an effective workout and build a consistent routine that makes every minute worth it.

Keep reading to learn more.

So What Is a Super Block?

By now you’ve probably heard of BODi Blocks — 4 new programs that start on the first Monday of every month.

Each Block features 5 workouts a week for 3 weeks, followed by an “UP Week” (which stands for “Unconditional Progress”) to reset and recover.

A Super Block is when our Super Trainers remake one of their most popular programs in the BODi Block format.

This is your chance to revisit your favorite programs — like 21 Day Fix or T25 — with new workouts, new playlists set to popular music, and an entirely new experience.

It’s all about giving you more of what you love, plus a little push to get you where you want to go.

Why are Blocks such a breakthrough?

They’re based on block periodization, a proven approach to exercise and recovery that challenges you without overtraining.

It’s all about helping you create consistency with your Health Esteem routine.

Your life is busy. Pretending you’re going to work out every day and never eat a cookie is silly.

So, we’re ditching the perfection mindset and bringing you new programs every month that you can actually stick to because they work with real life. Really.

Want to learn more about BODi Blocks and Super Blocks? Click here.

Super Block May Spotlight: Job 1 and Bike 1 with Jennifer Jacobs

What Is the Job 1 Super Block?

Think 20 minutes isn’t enough to get a great workout? Just wait.

Jennifer Jacobs wastes no time with her quick and efficient strength and cardio workouts designed to target your entire body, get your mind working, and leave you dripping in sweat.

It’s just you and Jennifer, one-on-one. Train with purpose, and you get the job done.

When you unlock the Job 1 Super Block, you’ll also unlock Jennifer’s Bike 1 Super Block. You can choose to do one at a time, mix them up, or stack them together to push yourself even further with 40-minute workouts.

What Kind of Workouts Can I Expect?

The Job 1 Super Block is 3 weeks long, with 3 strength and 2 cardio workouts per week that are perfect for all fitness levels.

You’ll start strong with targeted strength training, get sweaty and energized with all-out HIIT days, challenge every muscle with dumbbells and resistance loops, and do heart-pounding bodyweight moves with minimal rest.

Finish every week with classic strength training and bodyweight intervals to help build muscle and endurance, and torch fat.

When it’s this effective, you’ll find yourself losing the excuses and feeling great about your Health Esteem routine.

How Is This Evolving from the Original Program?

The original Job 1 showed you that by investing in just 20 minutes of time for YOU, you could sculpt muscle, dial-in the fat burn, and focus on your top priority — your health.

When programmed correctly, shorter workouts can actually help you push harder and be more consistent with your fitness compared to longer routines.

Now Jennifer’s bringing back that same philosophy, but this time she’s got new moves and new motivation to help you get serious results.

You’ll also have the option to swap your Job 1 Super Block cardio days for the Bike 1 Super Block cycling workouts.

You can even stack workouts from both Super Blocks to create longer sessions on the days you have more time.

No matter what you choose, you’ll follow the block periodization format that all Super Blocks are known for — 3 weeks of workouts followed by your UP Week.

Do I Need Any Equipment?

You’ll need a set of light, medium, and heavy dumbbells, and resistance loops. You’ll also need the BODi Bike (or any stationary bike) if you incorporate workouts from the Bike 1 Super Block.

How Do I Know If the Job 1 Super Block Is Right for Me?

If you’re ready to show up for yourself and make healthy habits a priority, this is for you.

It’s also perfect if you want to get a great workout done in just 20 minutes so you can get on with your day can enhance the rest of your routine and promote a healthier lifestyle that feels so good.

If you’re a fan of the original Job 1 program, you’ll definitely want to join this Super Block.

Even if you’ve never worked out with Jennifer, this is a great introduction to her functional training approach and straightforward, no-nonsense coaching style.

What Is the Bike 1 Super Block?

Bike 1 is the cycle Super Block that you’ll get when you unlock the Job 1 Super Block. These performance-based rides pack a punch in just 20 minutes.

No distractions, no excuses, just the focus you need to become the best version of yourself.

What Kinds of Workouts Can I Expect?

If you’ve ridden with Jennifer before, you know she works you hard and makes it seriously fun. Her high-energy Bike 1 Super Block is a spin on the Job 1 concept: 20 minutes of work, 5 rides each week for 3 weeks.

You’ll focus on endurance, strength, speed, and power using varying terrains and ride styles.

You’ll love Jennifer’s inspirational coaching style as she challenges you to break barriers and climb to peaks you never thought possible.

Whether you’re an experienced rider or just beginning, the Bike 1 Super Block is a well-rounded, comprehensive design that brings out your inner athlete.

Do I Need Any Equipment?

You’ll need the BODi Bike (or any stationary bike).

How Do I Know If the Bike 1 Super Block Is Right for Me?

Are you ready to break through your ceiling? This Super Block is for you.

If you want to learn great form while tackling a variety of challenging speeds, climbs, and intensities, get ready for the ride of your life.

What Is Recommended for Healthy Eating With These Super Blocks?

Nourish your body and accomplish your goals with one of our healthy eating plans, 2B Mindset Basics or Portion Fix Basics.

2B Mindset, created by Ilana Muhlstein, M.S., R.D.N., helps you achieve a healthy relationship with food while feeling more confident in your body.

Portion Fix, by fitness and nutrition expert Autumn Calabrese, uses color-coded containers to easily create perfectly balanced meals without counting calories or cutting food groups.

Get started with more than 1,000 delicious recipe ideas to power your Super Block workouts.

When Can I Access the Job 1 and Bike 1 Super Blocks?

You can purchase both for the price of one now. The official Super Block start date is June 5, but you can start the workouts any time after that.

You’ll own the Super Blocks as long as you have an active BODi membership.

How Do I Access These Super Blocks?

There are a few ways you can unlock both the Job 1 and Bike 1 Super Blocks, plus an additional Super Block, for free.

For starters, you can purchase a Total-Solution Pack or Completion Pack (the Essentials Collection is the perfect choice to build your Health Esteem routine) in May to unlock both the Job 1 and Bike 1 Super Blocks and one additional Super Block.

Or you can also access both Job 1 and Bike 1 with your first purchase of a qualifying nutrition subscription in May.

What if you already have a qualifying nutrition subscription? If you renew your qualifying subscription in May, you’ll unlock both the Job 1 and Bike 1 Super Blocks, plus an additional Super Block, for free.

What if you just want the standalone Super Blocks? You can access both the Job 1 and Bike 1 Super Blocks for $29.

However you choose to unlock these Super Blocks, you need to have an active BODi membership to access them.

Want more info? Talk to your Coach or click here for details.

‡ Click here for qualifying nutrition subscriptions.

Who Is Jennifer Jacobs?

Super Trainer Jennifer Jacobs is known for her functional training workouts that help you stay accountable and committed while unleashing your best self.

She holds a combination of eight fitness and nutrition accreditations from some of the top certifying agencies in the country.

In addition to being certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) as a personal trainer, nutrition coach, and fitness nutrition specialist, she is also a certified indoor cycling instructor through Schwinn and the Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA).

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