Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life

What Can Shakeology Do For You?

Many people ask me about the effects of Shakeology, and I’m happy to share, but until you actually experience the benefits of this superfood it’s hard to believe how amazing it can make you look and feel!   It is not a “regular protein shake”, rather exceptional nutrition containing 70 whole food ingredients that promote and simplify mental and physical health. Some of the effects I’ve noticed are a happier mood, increase in energy, stamina and immunity, better concentration, improved digestion,   less cravings, stabilized blood sugar, and feeling and looking healthier overall. If I skip drinking it for a few days, I will see and feel a difference in my health.   I’ve heard many testimonials of how it has helped other people with high cholesterol, diabetes, depression, menopause and more.   What can Shakeology do for you?   Everyone’s body is unique, but here is a short summary of benefits that anyone taking Shakeology on a regular basis should experience that I took directly from the “Shakeology Blog”.

Antioxidants: Shakeology contains some of the most potent antioxidants: flavonoids and phytonutrients such as spinach, blue green algae, carrot powder, strawberry powder, and vitamins E and C. These help to prevent free radicals from oxidizing and destroying cells. The ingredients in our antioxidant blend such as pomegranate, acai berry, camu-camu, goji, and blueberry also have powerful antioxidant effects to support your immune system and help protect your body from normal inflammatory response.

Energy: Shakeology contains a range of B vitamins and trace minerals, like zinc and magnesium, from whole food sources that regulate metabolism and increase energy. Shakeology also contains maca root, an adaptogen herb known to promote endurance and stamina.

Digestion: The Shakeology non-dairy prebiotic and probiotic blend contains fiber and different enzymes like amylase, papain, cellulose, and lactase, which all support digestion. These ingredients aid in breaking down food molecules into smaller molecules that can be properly digested, so all of the nutrients can be absorbed into your system.

Mood: One scoop of Shakeology provides 100% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin B12. B12 is often linked with good mood maintenance; B vitamins are also essential for the production and proper functioning of neurotransmitters like dopamine, crucial to the experience of pleasure. Shakeology also contains cacao, which is very high in phenylethylamine (PEA). PEA acts as a neuromodulator to enhance one’s mood.

Detoxification: Many of the ingredients in Shakeology (spirulina, chlorella, flaxseed, barley grass, spinach) contain powerful detoxification compounds such as chlorophyll and alpha-linolenic acid. These ingredients may help rid the body of environmental toxins such as smog, heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products, and pesticides. They also aid in liver detoxification. Shakeology also includes kamut grass, an ingredient coined “nature’s most powerful detoxifier.” This grass has been known to cleanse the body and detoxify the cells to restore health and vitality.

Immunity: The antioxidants, bioflavanoids, and flavanoids in Shakeology work to support immunity. Some of these ingredients include ashwaganda, acerola cherry, rose hips, and goji berries. The goji berries in Shakeology are one of the richest sources of antioxidants; not only does goji berry promote eye, reproductive, and circulatory health, but it also supports your immune system and promotes longevity!

Satiety/cravings: The protein, chromium, and nutrient-dense calories from superfoods in Shakeology work to help decrease your appetite. Chromium is important because it helps maintain blood-sugar levels, which reduces sugar cravings and promotes fat metabolism. Plus, protein-rich meals are a great way to keep you feeling full, longer!

Complete nutrition: Each Shakeology ingredient plays an important role in feeding your body on a cellular level, but it is important to remember that the synergy of the 70+ ingredients working together is what truly fuels your body to keep you looking and feeling your best.

Shakeology truly is “The Healthiest Meal of the Day”. It helps you lose weight, curb cravings, lower cholesterol,   increase energy, ….. This is all true, but at the end of the day, Shakeology is SO much more than that! The price may seem steep, but, in order to intake all the nutrients Shakeology provides, you would need to buy a lot of rare, whole foods and superior supplements costing you much more. There isn’t anything comparable to it on the market, and if you try it, you’ll soon realize, it is worth every penny! You can simplify your nutrition by just buying Shakeology for $4.00 or less per serving. Purchase your Shakeology by clicking here available in chocolate, greenberry or new tropical vegan flavors or find out more information and place your order through my website   There’s a 30 day bottom of the bag money back guarantee. You can save $10 on shipping and have it on automatic delivery every month by selecting Home Direct(HD).   There are discounts available if you would like to become a club member(10% discount) or a coach(25% discount). Contact me with any questions

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