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Do I Need Supplements?

Herbal supplement pillsI get asked a lot of questions about supplements. Do I need them? Will they help my results? What should I take? When should I take them? Do you take any?

The short answers: No, yes, varies, varies, yes. There you have it. Have a great week!

Wish it was that easy, but it’s not.

Proper nutrition is key to your results. When people say, I’ve been following this fitness program for 2-3 weeks, and I’ve gotten no results, my first question is, are you following the nutrition plan. Most the time the answer is, no, but I’m eating healthy, and I’ve cut back my calories. That’s the wrong answer. Trust and follow the plan!

So, here are the long answers to your supplement questions.

Do I need them. It’s possible to complete a fitness program and get results without them. Some people need/want them to get an extra boost, make meal planning easier, speed recovery, help aching joints/bones. If you have specific needs, and your not sure, ask me.

Will they help my results? Most can, if taken at the right time, and combined with proper nutrition. Supplements don’t counter poor eating, regardless of the magic pills and powders on TV. Supplements do just that, supplement.

What should I take? Again, ask me, as it depends on your specific needs/wants. Are you looking to boost your performance in your workout, get more energy through the day, improve digestion and overall health, increase protein intake, help aching muscles/joints.

When should I take them? It depends on the item. Some before the workout, some after. Some replace a meal or snack.

Do you take any? Yes. When I started P90X, the only thing I took was a homemade recovery drink to reduce sore muscles, and whey protein to increase my protein intake. When I became a coach, I started using more products, as the price was great with my discount, and I honestly believe in the products. I don’t drink just the company kool-aid though, and I only recommend what I’ve tried and believe in. And I still use most of these, because, well, I believe in them, and they do help. Below are the products I use, the purpose, and why I think you should use them, if applicable.

p90xrrP90X Results and Recovery Formula. I switched to this from my homemade drink mainly because it’s easier and more convenient to mix up, and, it taste GREAT! It also has more of what your body needs after a workout. It minimizes or eliminates those “next day pains” after a tough workout.

jack3dJack3d (Lemon-Lime). My pre-workout drink of choice. I suggest working out without it first. If you do use it, don’t use it in the evening, or you won’t sleep. It’s like a caffeine shot, and can give you a boost. I like it with strength workouts, but I don’t use it regularly. Also, if you use it, cycle one month on, one off, so you don’t become immune.

peakhealthP90X Peak Health. Similar to Jack3d, it provides a boost. The difference, you don’t take these prior to the workout, you take them anytime during the day. They provide a boost, but also have other benefits.


shakeologyShakeology. There’s no magic solutions, but it’s the one product I’d recommend to everyone. I started using it when Beachbody released it, and there’s still no other product like it. It’s a meal replacement shake, and MUCH more. Before, I took multi-vitamins, vit-C, vit-B, and a few others. Shakeology replaced all of them! Digestion problems…gone. Sweet tooth…gone. It’s like dessert for dinner, lunch, breakfast, snack, or whenever you choose. My suggestion, try it, you’ll love the taste, and what it does for your health and weight loss.

Whey Protein. I’ve tried many brands. My favorites, Optimum Nutrition, Beachbody, and All the Whey. I’ve also used Body Fortress and GNC brand. I use a lot, so I buy from various places depending on what I find on sale. I have it in shakes, oatmeal, and also make pancakes with it.

p90xbarsclifProtein Bars. I’ve tried no less than 20 brands. They’re like candy bars, and good ones can fill you up for a few hours, great for a snack between meals. The only ones I buy now are Cliff Builder Bars (not the regular Clif Bars) and P90X Protein Bars. Both have ~20g of protein.


Email me at if you want to try any of these products or have questions.

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