Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life

Visualize Your Perfect Day

My perfect day starts at 4:00 am (literally) and waking up rested and refreshed (almost never with a 3 year old and a 1 year old). I get a big glass of water, a cup of coffee, do some work on the computer and then do my P90X workout. I come home, shower dress have breakfast with my family and spend the rest of the day helping others to become more fit and healthy with Polar heart rate monitors and workout and healthy lifestyle guidance from Million Dollar Body. At 4:00 pm, I ship my orders and then do my run.   From sunrise to sunset, I am involved with fitness, helping others to achieve their fitness and health goals and making a living and supporting my family. My perfect day is also a perfect life.

Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series, suggests that you, too, can not only visualize a perfect, but also have a perfect life. “Every person on the earth has the same number of hours in the day to work with. I have 24 hours, Bill Gates has 24 hours and so do you. It is up to each individual to decide how to occupy every minute. We can waste our days sleeping late, watching television, hating our jobs and wishing for a better life. Or we can spend most of the time we have been given creating that better life – a world devoted to improving ourselves and the lives of others. How do you want to spend your days? You have the power to live each day exactly the way you want to live it. Think about that – the resources to create the life you desire lie within your mind.”

“The truth of the matter is, you are either living your life the way you envision it, or you’re living your life the way someone else is envisioning it. Don’t you think it’s time for you to take control and begin fulfilling your own dreams?”

You’re probably saying, ‘Yes! Of course I want to live my dream life, Mark. But I don’t know where to begin.’ Well, you begin at the beginning.

First, you have to realize that the power to having everything you’ve ever wanted exists within you. There is no other person on the planet who can do it for you. Heck, I’d love to be able to give you what you want simply by blinking my eyes, but I can’t. Only you have that ability. I can show you the door to living your dreams, but you have to walk through it.

Second, you have to have a clear vision of what your perfect life looks like. That entails you visualizing and writing down exactly what you want on a daily basis.

And third, you must believe that your perfect life will manifest itself and become your reality. Remember, whether you believe something is possible or not, you’re right.

‘Set your goals – What do I want ideally? – add your ‘why’ – Why must I have it? – and your subconscious mind mystically supplies the ‘how.’

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