Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life

Clean Week Challenge with Megan Davies

Are you ready for a clean week?  How about a Clean Week Challenge?  Thanksgiving is over and so is Cyber Monday.  Now you can focus on dealing with maybe a few pounds that you put on or a few workouts that you missed.  Maybe you just feel out of sorts from too much overindulgence.

Clean Week was created by Megan Davies as a way to get introduced to a lifestyle that includes clean eating and regular workouts.  It can also be done as a clean week.  “Clean Week is designed to help you kick-start healthy habits that get real results and can lead to a lifestyle change that sticks! You get 4 workouts and a step-by-step meal planner. Start living the healthy new lifestyle you want in just 7 days.

My challenge to you is to sign up for free with NO credit card required and post your day each day on

clean week, clean week challenge, do clean week for freeHow do I sign up?  Click here  and then look for the “Do Clean Week for Free” icon.  That will take you to the sign up page (see below).  Once you have signed up, leave your comments here, on Howtobefit on Facebook or message me on Messenger.


  • Getting Started with Clean Week – What you get:

    • Clean Week Quick Start Guide – US / Canada
      Here’s everything you need to know to begin your healthy new lifestyle from which Clean Week workout to do each day to how to get started quickly with your clean eating plan.
    • Clean Week Quick Start Guide – UK
      Here’s everything you need to know to begin your healthy new lifestyle from which Clean Week workout to do each day to how to get started quickly with your clean eating plan.
    • Guide de démarrage rapide de Clean Week
      Voici tout ce que vous devez savoir avant d’entamer votre nouveau mode de vie sain : quelles séances d’entraînement de Clean Week faire chaque jour, comment démarrer rapidement avec votre plan d’alimentation saine, et bien plus.
    • Guía de inicio rápido de Clean Week
      Aquí está todo lo que necesitas saber para comenzar tu nuevo estilo de vida saludable, desde qué ejercicios de Clean Week debes hacer cada día, hasta cómo empezar rápidamente con tu plan de alimentación limpia.
  • Nutrition

    • Clean Week Meal Planner – US / Canada
      This is your step-by-step guide to healthy eating, including simple and delicious recipes for your meals and Shakeology. You’ll discover the power of meal-prepping so you spend less time in the kitchen and have healthy choices on hand all week long. You can get access to the Clean Week Meal Planner by purchasing the Clean Week Shakeology Sampler, by signing up for your Beachbody On Demand membership, or from your Team Beachbody Coach.
    • Clean Week Meal Planner – UK
      This is your step-by-step guide to healthy eating, including simple and delicious recipes for your meals and Shakeology. You’ll discover the power of meal-prepping so you spend less time in the kitchen and have healthy choices on hand all week long.
    •  Planificateur de repas de Clean Week
      Ce guide détaillé vous montrera comment adopter une alimentation saine avec des recettes simples et délicieuses pour vos repas et vos boissons Shakeology. Vous découvrirez les avantages de préparer vos repas à l’avance, afin de passer moins de temps dans la cuisine et d’avoir des choix santé à portée de main tout au long de la semaine.
    • Plan de alimentación Clean Week
      Esta es tu guía paso a paso para una alimentación sana, incluyendo sencillas y deliciosas recetas para tus comidas y Shakeology. Verás cómo planificar y comprar alimentos, y descubrirás el poder de la preparación de los alimentos para pasar menos tiempo en la cocina y tener opciones saludables a la mano toda la semana.

clean week, clean week change

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