Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life

Shift Shop Speed 25 – The Challenge du Jour

Shift Shop Speed: 25 is one heck of a workout.  I work out in an unheated sunroom, and even though it is almost the end of November, I worked up a sweat from doing half of my workout between Zone 3 and Zone 5 according to my Polar M600.

shift shop speed 25, chris downing, challenge du jour, beachbody on demandWhat a workout that Chris Downing puts you through and although I am not doing the program, I did the workout because it is the Challenge du Jour in Beachbody On Demand.

Since Team Beachbody introduced streaming workouts, I have gradually made the shift, so to speak, from DVD’s in my collection to being able to stream every workout in the entire Beachbody library.

And you don’t just stream the workout, you get the complete program with the workout guide and nutrition plan (if there is one) all available in Beachbody On Demand.

You can get Beachbody On Demand for $2.99 a week (billed in three month increments of $38.87) or choose the annual membership for $99.00.  To choose from one of the five different membership plans, click here.

Included with your membership is access to all of the Shift Shop program materials (and every Beachbody workout program’s materials). You get:

Shift Shop Program Materials

  • Getting Started

    •  Beachbody Agility Markers (Printable Version Download)
      Print out a set of temporary Agility Markers to use with your Shift Shop cardio workouts. To purchase a set of the Beachbody Agility Markers, please visit
    •  Jumpstart Guide
      No sitting idle. The Shift Shop is all about fast results. In 4 simple steps, this guide will help you start achieving your goals on Day 1.
  • Nutrition

    •  Simple Shift Nutrition Guide
      To keep your nutrition on track, this guide delivers the perfect balance of the right foods at the right time.
    •  SHIFT SHOPâ„¢ Recipe Booklet
      Looking for healthy SHIFT SHOPâ„¢ approved recipes? These 81 recipes are divided week-by-week to make it easy for you to stick with your meal plan and see great results!
  • Calendar And Tracking

    •  Round 1 Calendar
      Your road map for success. The wall calendar shows you which workout to do each day, helping you shift from the body you have to the body you want.
    •  Round 2 Calendar
      Ready for Round 2? This schedule incorporates your three deluxe SHIFT SHOP workouts into 3 more weeks of total-body reinvention.
    •  Hybrid Calendar
      Your hybrid workout schedule for the Shift Shop.
  • Other Languages

    •  Ponte En Marcha
      Nada de pausas. SHIFT SHOP se trata de obtener resultados rápido.
    •  Simple Shift Guia Nutrocional
      Esta guía te presenta el equilibrio perfecto de los alimentos adecuados en el momento.
    •  Primera Ronda Calendario
      Tu guía para el éxito. El calendario de pared te indica qué rutina hacer cada día para ayudarte a convertir el cuerpo que tienes en el cuerpo que quieres.
    •  Segunda Ronda Calendario
      ¿Estás listo para la segunda ronda? Este programa incorpora tus tres rutinas deluxe de SHIFT SHOP a tres semanas más para reinventar tu cuerpo totalmente.
    •  El Hibrido Calendario
      Este calendario hibrido combina lo mejor de Shift Shop con algunas de las rutinas probadas mas populares de los programas de la biblioteco de Beachbody on Demand.
    •  Demarrage
      Guide simple en etapes pour commencer Shift Shop du bon pied.
    •  Guide Nutritionnel
      Ce guide nutritionnel vous simplifie la tache en matiere de listes d’epicerie et de recettes pour que vous n’ayez jamais a vous battre pour deviner ce que vous devriez manger.
    •  Serie 1 Calendrier
      Votre feuille de route pour le succès. Le calendrier mural vous montre quels exercices faire chaque jour, vous aidant à passer du corps que vous avez au corps que vous voulez.
    •  Serie 2 Calendrier
      Pret pour la 2e round? Cet horaire integre vos trois entrainements de luxe de Shift Shop pour 21 jours de plus de sueur pour decouper votre corps.
    •  Calendrier Hybride
      Ce calendrier hybride combine le meilleur de Shift Shop avec certains des entrainements les plus populares des programmes eprouves de la bibliotheque de Beachbody on Demand.

Try Shift Shop today and see what zone Chris Downing can get your heart rate into!

heart rate, polar m600, m600, shift shop, chris downing

You can learn more about Shift Shop here.

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