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The Sleep Solution: 4 Ways to Get the Rest You Need to Boost Results!

Did you wake up rested and refreshed this morning? If not, here are 4 sleep solutions to make tonight a better sleep night.

Sometimes, people get so caught up in hammering workouts and cutting calories that they forget that half of getting great results is recovery. And one of the greatest tools in the recovery arsenal is a good night’s sleep. It heals your mind and your body and, frankly, just makes you feel good.

But getting 8 hours between the sheets isn’t always as easy as it sounds. If you’re like most of us, you probably slept like crud last night. The National Sleep Foundation’s 2010 Sleep in America poll talked to over a thousand people across the ethnic spectrum between the ages of 25 and 60, and found that the average American sleeps 6 to 7 hours a night. This lack of a solid 8 hours leaves them feeling continually fatigued and has a wide-reaching impact, from the workplace to the car to the bedroom. (Which is to say, the things you do in the bedroom besides sleeping, if you know what I mean.)

For you health and fitness fanatics, a lack of sleep also impacts your ability to stay in tip-top shape. A study last year out of Stanford noted that when the school’s women’s tennis team sawed logs for 10 hours or more a night over a 5- to 6-week period, their baseline sprint times improved by more than 1.5 seconds. Their hitting accuracy and depth also improved. Continued…

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