Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life
Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life

Learn to Lead to Succeed

How do you know a leader?   Is it the smile on their face and their enthusiasm or their willingness to help out and find solutions?   Are you inspired and motivated to do your best when you are around someone that you know is a leader?   Would a leader who wanted milk sit in the middle of a field waiting for a cow to back up to him or her or would they go after what the wanted with focused intensity.
We all have leadership within us but what about on the outside? How do we come across to other people?   What impressions do we leave with someone?   Are they looking forward to being around us again or do we leave them flat?   To succeed in every aspect of life, we need to learn to lead to succeed.
What better way than from our CEO Carl Daikeler.   Ironically, I was looking for ongoing assignments in the hour a day plan that I am providing to our new team coach, Julie Ann Price, and saw Carl’s article, “Leading Thousands Starts by Leading One”.   Here is the article in its entirety:

“In a recent National Coach Call, I talked about how leadership is in the doing. Leaders don’t quit (unless they want to lead people to quit). They teach perseverance by persevering.

People have told me I am a good leader, but, intellectually, I hardly know what it means. I do know that if you want to build real wealth, you need to be able to lead, and if you want to lead, you have to show that you are willing to do that which you expect others to do.

Michael Jordan was an incredible leader. Not just because he put up amazing numbers, but because his teammates saw that he practiced harder, worked longer, and studied film more intensely than the rest of the team.

Whenever I try to be a better leader, I realize that what I really need to do is be a better example. For instance, I don’t love exercising, but if I want to lead this country to feel better and get fit, I need to work out. I want all our Coaches and customers to get better nutrition so their bodies work and feel better. That’s why I watch my portions and drink Shakeology ® every day.

If you’re not drinking Shakeology and talking about it, you can’t expect your Team to do it.

I invest hours every day in acknowledging leaders on my Facebook page and on Twitter. I can’t expect you to recognize the achievements of your Team unless I show you that we are willing to recognize leadership from the top.

Leadership is in the doing. It is what you do that is the leadership. If you want a Coach on your Team to follow the Game Plan and help you build your business, YOU need to follow the Game Plan. Any day you don’t get your two exposures is a day you didn’t lead by example. That doesn’t mean you are a failure or you should quit. But it does mean that you are not stepping up to the front and taking charge in a way that will put you in a leadership position.

Leadership is in the doing.

Every year, we have a Summit event where we celebrate the prior year, make exciting announcements, and give very valuable training. Every year, there are people who spent the year telling me they were going to be leaders in this business. Then they don’t show up at Summit, and they tell me how much they wished they had been there, and how they wished more of their Team had been there, because now they felt out of the loop.

Leadership is in the doing.

Leadership is not a title. It is not a club. It is a behavior that needs to be practiced every day in order to maintain it. If you want to be a leader, be in control of your destiny, and start the process of moving a Team toward success, you can start right now by simply doing what you expect your Team to do. Do it today. Hand out at least two DVDs to people. Post the videos on your Facebook and Twitter pages. Follow up with some people whom you showed the material to before who might be prone to consider it now. Do your workouts. Sign up for the Summit, and make a bold public statement to your entire Team so they see that you are leading by example.

Leadership is in the doing. Leadership builds wealth. Are you in this to succeed? Ask yourself that question with honesty, and don’t just answer yes because it’s obvious. If you answer yes, make your commitment to lead. And lead by example.”

Join us today as leaders in promoting the most effective fitness and weight loss products on the market today and become leaders in business as well as.   Click here to learn more.

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