Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life
Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life

Where’s the Integrity?

An open letter to my Team of Beachbody Coaches:

The Founding Fathers of our nation had integrity. The founding coaches of Team Beachbody had integrity. They bought Beachbody products and they used them. They worked out in WOWY because of the peer support that they got, the peer support that they could give and the camaraderie. They got on the message boards to ask questions and to give answers when they could about Beachbody workout DVD’s they were using or Beachbody products they were using. They also offered motivation and inspiration and hope to those on the message boards who were seeking help to get going or keep going when the going got tough. Our Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to create a sound foundation for our nation. Everything that these coaches did, they did for the good of the whole group of people who belonged to MyBeachbody, as it was called then, and they created a sound foundation for the model that we use today in the network of Team Beachbody coaches.

But things have changed and some new coaches are not following the lead of our founding coaches. Perhaps they didn’t get a history lesson and don’t realize the ideals that we have to uphold. Or perhaps in today’s challenging world, integrity is being sacrificed in order to overcome those challenges in the short term. I think a good argument can be made that we have so many of the challenges that we face today because of a lack of integrity – companies that polluted, individuals who spent beyond their means, the intoxication of gluttony and materialism, profits driven by greed.

We all have to live our lives by at least standards that will meet the minimum standards of our society. I would hope that our team of Beachbody coaches live by far higher standards. We all know the simple formula for success – exercise regularly, eat nutritiously and make positive lifestyle choices. As a Team Beachbody coach, that means using Beachbody workout DVD’s to get fit and strong. Eating to fuel our bodies and using the Beachbody products that we need to supplement our diets for the added demands of rigorous workouts. Logging into WOWY and being supportive to other members there and on the message boards and proudly displaying our pictures on our Team Beachbody websites that show our progress.

Integrity in this business comes from walking the talk and being products of the products. Thinking that you can set up a website and then hide behind it is deceptive. You aren’t fooling anyone and you aren’t helping anyone. A picture is worth a thousand words and when you can honestly say that you’ve used P90X or Hip Hop Abs or Slim In Six or used Beachbody nutritional products and gotten those results, you are upholding the integrity of the coaching opportunity just as our founding coaches did before they even became coaches.


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