Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life

Failing the Faithful

Anyone who reads my blog is either very faithful or has a lot of time on their hands, since I only post about once a week and I’ve been getting nominated for most boring blog on the Internet.

That is changing as I write because I now am going to focus all of my attention on my blog and my message board posts – informational and business – and it will now be worth it to you to stop in and read.

You may think that I finally figured out that spending the better part of a day creating a newsletter would be my motivation to “downsize” to a blog that I can update at will and that certainly played a part in my decision.

The greater motivation was a survival instinct and rather than paying, in my case, $446.30 next month to renew my contract with my newsletter delivery service, I would instead use my wonderful, free WordPress blog and the free Beachbody Message Boards to convey my thoughts and wisdom and what little knowledge I can still access in my old brain.

When it comes to survival of the fittest, part of criteria for survival is being smart and I just need to be smart.   So all of you faithful readers of my blog will now be seeing what all of my subscribers saw and hopefully they won’t abandon me and come here to read it when all they used to have to do was go to their email in box!

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