Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life

Are You Willing to Persist in Order to Accomplish

Let’s face it, we’re not talking about the stories of persistence of some very well known people, we’re talking about taking one day at a time and fitting in and accomplishing your workout. According to Jack Canfield and Mark V Hansen in Chicken Soup for the Soul, “Albert Einstein did not speak until he was four and didn’t read until he was seven”. Eighteen publishers turned down Richard Bach’s 10,000 word story, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, before it was published in 1970. By 1975, it had sold more than seven million copies in the US alone. Richard Hooker worked for seven years on M*A*S*H and then was rejected by 21 publishers before Morrow published it and then it went on to become a blockbuster movie and successful TV series.

This week, it’s about, “did you fit in your workout?” I schedule my workouts in WOWY and as I said in another post, 10:00 am is about the only time in the day that I can justify taking about an hour away from work and family to do something for my health and fitness. I put on the schedule that I would do P90X Core Synergistics today and it was a good thing, because it was icy and schools had been closed, so I couldn’t run.

But the workout didn’t happen as planned. I was already quite stressed because I am getting a debt consolidation loan – long story, I am sure much like many others – and was trying to move a DVD player and set it up on an old TV for Grace to have another play area in our house and I would have a bright, sunny room to work out in instead of the garage. I could see that things weren’t working out at all, so I was aiming for 10:30. Then things took a turn for the worse and I got even more stressed. A call to Panasonic finally resolved my problems, but by the time that I got the DVD player working, it was too late to work out. I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to work while at the same time being worried about money and super stressed about making ends meet.

I am blessed to get promptings and while carrying Grace around Whole Foods sound asleep and trying to shop, I realized that the best thing to do would be to do P90X Yoga X when I got home and before dinner and it turned out to be a God send. As Tony Horton urged, I cleared my mind and then left the troubles of my day behind, got in a great workout and really reduced my stress. It took determination to get through today without getting a stroke from stress, but in the end a workout was what I needed all along to clear my mind and reduce that stress. If you persist, you, too, will accomplish another workout that will continue to build your balance in your fitness bank account!

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