I don’t smoke, drink, do drugs or go to parties. I run. What’s your stress reliever? I think that we can all agree that stress is a killer, too often, literally. I have had so much stress in the past eight years, sometimes what could even be categorized as super stress, which is really debilitating.
Sunday was a real life changing day for me. It was my 10th anniversary as a Team Beachbody coach and I started the day as I always used to, by driving somewhere to run. For most of the past year, I have just run from the house and as nice as our area is, it just doesn’t provide the sensory input that a run in the Sandia Mountain foothills will provide.
When I first moved here, I would always head east from the Sun Creek Apartments where I lived and cross over Juan Tabo and up the path to the back of the John Roberts Dam. It is a dam built for the 100 year flood and has no water behind it. What it does have is a beautiful open space area which I parked near to start my run.
In the next hour, I ran and stopped to take pictures and eat and drink. It was a stress reliever run. I am not in training like I used to be when pace and distance was everything. Running now is getting away from stress and time to see God’s creation and listen to teachings from the Bible from Pastor Skip Heitzig at Calvary Albuquerque. Today, is was from the #Hashtag series and the hashtag was #LOL.
I accomplished my goal and got some good ideas for the rest of the day. It was time well spent and it certainly took my mind off of things that I can’t change no matter how much I would like to…
Related Articles on Stress Relievers
Using Yoga for Stress Reduction
12 Superfoods to Eat When You’re Stressed
How to Use Meditation to Combat Stress
3 Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress