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Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life

Brazil Butt Lift Transformed Bethany’s Body!

Bethany used the Brazil Butt Lift Challenge Pack.  Click here to find out more about the Brazil Butt Lift Challenge Pack April sale – you get Brazil Butt Lift for just $10.00!

Growing up, I was that skinny kid who could eat whatever I wanted. It was great! But fast forward into my early 30’s, and I wasn’t that kid anymore. I was fat and out of shape. I had no distinct jawline, cheekbones, or muscles only rolls, lumps, and bumps. I was tired all the time, had a dull complexion, and ate every meal out of a box. I hated myself. So I tried every fad diet imaginable, and usually got about 3 weeks into an exercise routine before giving up.

bethany-brazil-butt-lift-resultsThen everything changed when I watched my boyfriend transform his life with P90X ®. Suddenly, in my heart, I knew there was still hope for me. Besides, I had to do something. Every day I grew more disgusted with my ever-widening reflection. Plus, my blood pressure was skyrocketing.

So I chose Brazil Butt Lift ®. I needed a program that would whip my butt into shape. Literally. And boy did it ever. Leandro saved my life. He was so funny and inspiring. He somehow managed to encourage me to continue at the precise moment every time I was tempted to quit. I never thought it was possible to lose my saggy butt and fat hips but I did. Leandro’s moves are magical. I also drink Shakeology ®. It definitely supported my transformation by giving me a healthy option when I could have reached for something bad. Now, my skin glows, and my digestion has improved tremendously.

After losing 16 ½ lbs. in 60 days, I’ve never felt this comfortable about my body or have had more energy than I do right now. And for the first time in 10 years, I went to the beach! I put on my new XS swimsuit, put down the sarong, and walked along the shore with a huge smile on my face. I am a new me.”

Bethany participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for her Brazil Butt Lift results!

You can change your life, too. Take The Beachbody Challengeâ„¢, for the ultimate motivation to get fit! Select any Beachbody ® program and once you complete it, share your results for your chance to win cash and prizes.

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