Guiding You to Your Optimum Quality of Life

Investing in People

Coaches, it must have been about 3 years ago or so that Carl Daikeler and Beachbody came up with the idea of putting most, if not all, of their customers in the care of a handful of members who had faithfully used Beacbody products and been active on the message boards helping other people. This handful of people became the founding coaches of Team Beachbody and it was an enourmous act of faith to entrust them with a company’s customers. But Carl and company decided to invest in the people who, for no reward whatsoever besides the satisfaction of helping other people, were changing those customer’s lives with advice, kind words, encouragement, accountability and more – out of the goodness of their hearts. Those founding coaches and the coaches who have emulated what they did have been amply rewarded and for the second year in a row, they will gather for a Coach Summit and Million Dollar Body Game awards gala this coming weekend.

Because of my success and my faith in you, I am investing in my Team of Beachbody Coaches and   I have helped, in ways above and beyond, each coach who has responded to my offer. I am in constant contact with those coaches who see the opportunity to build the foundation for a business that will continue to grow and yield income. Coaches now have their own websites, blogs, special links for promoting the videos that are available in the Coach Office and more. These coaches have said, “Yes I can and yes I will” to investing in people and they are carrying on the tradition of our founding coaches.

What drives you? What piques your pride? What makes you say, no one is going to beat me or do this better than me? Is it a sense of accomplishment, personal improvement, money, fame? Only you know the answer to those questions but we all see and know what is possible with Team Beachbody. Look at Traci Morrow and Pete Pena and Doug Fitzgerald. Look at me. Last year at this time my Polar business ended because of corporate decisions at Polar, even though I was one of the top Polar Authorized Dealers in the country. Now I am one of the top Team Beachbody coaches in just a year of dedicated activity in the Team Beachbody community.

I want to invest in you the way that Carl Daikeler invested in a handful of his loyal customer. All you need to do is to step forward and say, “Yes, I want to be a guide and mentor for each new Team Beachbody member and help them to achieve success”. You also need to exercise regularly, log into WOWY, eat nutritiously and adopt positive lifestyle choices – be products of the product and be role models just as the as yet to be founding coaches were. You can then become leaders and role models and your Team Beachbody members will flourish with your guidance and support.

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