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8 Easy Ways to Start Eating Healthy

8 Easy Ways to Start Eating Healthy

If you want to make lasting, sustainable changes to how you eat, try these 8 ways to start eating healthy and try to add one or two healthy habits at a time.

Eating healthier doesn’t have to be hard, stressful, expensive, or inconvenient.

It also doesn’t have to happen overnight so don’t start clearing out your pantry and fridge just yet.

Once they become part of your regular routine, add one or two more the following week or month.

Eight tips on how to start eating healthy

Roasted Brussels sprouts and bacon

1. Add a serving of vegetables to at least one meal every day

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends at least  2 ½ cups of vegetables  per day.

“Veggies provide so many valuable vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, and when you start adding high-fiber veggies, it tends to crowd out some of the junk food because you’re just too full to fit any more,” says Krista Maguire, R.D., C.S.S.D., and Beachbody nutrition manager.

Some people love nothing more than noshing on a plate of raw veggies, but for you  picky eaters  or  vegetable haters, don’t worry there are plenty of ways to add more vegetables to your diet without holding your nose.

The key is to find a way of cooking them that makes you  want  to eat them!  Roasting  is a great “starter” method: Simply cut your veggies into bite-size pieces, toss with a little oil and salt/pepper, then slide them into the oven.

Here are some easy (and delicious) ways to add veggies to your meals:

  • Pair roasted or sautéed veggies with your favorite protein and some whole grains.
  • Add beans or pureed veggies to your favorite soup recipe, or sweet potato chunks to a batch of  turkey chili.
  • Blend up a  Shakeology  with baby spinach or other greens as part of breakfast or as a 3pm pick-me-up. Need ideas? Check out these  recipes.

Overnight oats in a Mason jar

2. Make breakfast ahead of time

Mornings are busy for everyone, and it’s far too easy to turn to processed cereal, frozen waffles, granola, or breakfast bars filled with sugar and additives.

But if you can carve out a little bit of time on the weekend to plan ahead, you can create nutritious, delicious breakfasts that you can grab on the way out the door.

Here are some ideas:

  • Make  overnight oats. All the ingredients go in a jar or bowl, put it in the fridge, and let the magic happen. (Bonus? No. Cooking.)
  • Boil six or more eggs ahead of time and store in the fridge. Or make  egg cups   these  versatile mini-frittatas  provide high-protein fuel.

Strawberry Shakeology

3. Drink a daily Shakeology

Add  Shakeology  to your healthy breakfast or blend one up for a healthy snack any time of day.

A daily Shakeology can help address any nutritional gaps you might have in your diet. How? Shakeology includes a variety of nutrients, including protein, carbs, fiber, phytonutrients, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics, adaptogens, vitamins, and minerals.

If you’re worried about your sugar intake, breathe easy: Shakeology contains  seven grams of sugar per serving  from a combination of organic cane sugar and fruit powders. (Vegan Café Latte contains eight grams per serving.)

It’s a great-tasting shake that can be also be used strategically to  help curb your appetite, thanks to its  fiber and protein content.

4. Drink more water

When you’re well-hydrated, you may notice a difference in how you feel, look, and perform.

But that doesn’t mean you have to start carrying a gallon-sized jug of water everywhere you go.

Ease into it by  drinking a glass of water  for every non-water beverage you consume.

If you don’t like plain water, drop in your favorite  sliced fruit or cucumber, fresh mint, or unsweetened carbonated water.

But it’s not all about  drinking  water: You can also eat fluid-rich fruits and veggies such as celery, lettuce, bell peppers, watermelon, pineapples, and oranges.

5. Learn what a serving of each type of food looks like

Since the 1950s,  food portions and tableware  have been increasing in size.

And research reveals that people tend to  consume more food and drink  when served larger-sized portions and packages, and when using larger plates or bowls.

Researchers from the University of Cambridge and University of Oxford suggest that eliminating larger portions could  reduce average daily caloric consumption  by 22 to 29 percent in U.S. adults.

To get a better understanding of healthy amounts of different types of food, the  Portion Fix container system  can help. You simply find your target daily calories and eat the recommended number of color-coded portion containers.

Another option is the 2B Mindset’s Plate It! Method.

2B Mindset  is Beachbody’s new nutrition program that arms you with strategies to help you coexist with food in real-world situations, satisfy cravings, and anticipate setbacks before they happen.

6. Cut down on added sugar

By now, it’s no secret that eating too much sugar can contribute to weight gain and health issues.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2015-2020),  one of the main sources of added sugars  (versus naturally occurring sugars in whole foods like fruits) is beverages: “soft drinks, fruit drinks, sweetened coffee and tea, energy drinks, alcoholic beverages, and flavored waters.”

Another culprit? Snacks and sweets, such as cakes, pies, cookies, ice cream, etc.

If you read ingredient labels, you’ll find that most products sold in grocery stores contain added sugar in the form of syrups (including high-fructose corn, brown rice, maple, and beet syrups), glucose, sucrose, fructose, dextrose, and honey, among others.

So, how much sugar  should  you eat (or not eat)?

The  World Health Organization  recommends that no more than 10 percent of total daily calories come from sugar (that’s about 200 calories, or 50 grams of added sugar on a 2,000-calorie diet).

The  American Heart Association  recommends that women should consume no more than 100 calories of added sugar, and men 150 calories, per day.

7. Eat mindfully

Habit, clocks, emotions, rewards, breaks, and social gatherings can prompt us to eat even if we’re not hungry.

But doing this too often can dull our awareness of our body’s natural signals for food and even for feeling satisfied.

If you find that you’re eating ceremoniously more often than eating to quell a grumbling belly,  check out this simple four-step process  to learn how to gauge hunger.

8. Snack smart

Snacks can be a part of an overall healthy diet you just have to make sure you’re choosing snacks that will fill you up, not out.

An  ideal healthy snack  is one that contains fiber, protein, and fat to help you feel satisfied between meals.

And a higher-protein diet overall may also  help you lose weight  if that’s your ultimate goal: Research shows that your body  burns more calories digesting protein  than it does when digesting carbs or fat.

One easy way to eat more protein?  Try a BEACHBAR. You get 10 grams of protein for only 150 calories.

The Bottom Line

The way you’re currently eating is probably a pattern that you’ve learned over the course of your lifetime, so it makes sense that changing that pattern will take time.

Be patient and keep trying!

From the Beachbody On Demand Blog –    

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