Fundamentals of Workout
Planning for Runners by Claudia Piepenburg, editor of
Road Runner Sports Run Today Newsletter
PLAN - Pick a race then build your base. See two
training plan samples that you can follow depending on your current mileage.
- BUILD ENDURANCE - Improve your endurance so you'll stay
strong til the end. Check out these training tips and take to the hills.
SPEED - You want to
do more than just finish. These tips will help you add speed to your workouts
and have fun doing it.
WHEN TO SAY WHEN - Training for a race doesn't mean over-training. Find
out how to determine when you're pushing it too hard.
& BEYOND - Learn how to prepare as your race day
approaches. Then set your sights on future goals.
First things first
pick your race!
Ideally, you'll want to choose a 5K or 10K the last weekend in April or the
first weekend in May. Remember this is the first race of the season. You'll use
this event as a springboard to the spring, summer and fall racing season. Don't
expect a PR the first race of the season. Your goal is re-acquainting yourself
with speed and competition.
Next up
build your base. That's what you'll do in the
first six weeks. Even slight increases in mileage will make you a better
runner. If you averaged 15 miles through the winter months, increasing your
average weekly mileage to 25 or 30 will be sufficient to acclimate your body to
slightly harder training and the rigors of racing. Gradually increase your
mileage so you won't get injured.
Sample Six-Week Build-up from 15 Miles per Week to
25: |
Week 1 |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Total |
2 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
3 |
17 |
Week 2 |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Total |
3 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
5 |
3 |
19 |
Week 3 |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Total |
3 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
3 |
18 |
Week 4 |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Total |
3 |
5 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
5 |
3 |
20 |
Week 5 |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Total |
3 |
5 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
6 |
4 |
22 |
Week 6 |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Total |
3 |
5 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
6 |
5 |
25 |
In weeks 7, 8, and 9 maintain 25 miles a week, but
feel free to "play around" with the daily mileage. For instance, you might run
only four miles on Thursday, and six on Sunday or seven miles on Saturday and
only four Sunday. It doesn't matter as long as you're running consistently five
days a week and maintaining 25 miles total. You may want to take Monday off
instead of Wednesday. Just make sure that you always schedule an "easy" day
after a "hard" one. If you were running more than 15 miles per week
during the winter, gradually increase your weekly mileage in the same manner.
For instance, if you averaged 30 miles per week through the winter months, try
this six-week build-up schedule.
Sample Six-Week Build-up from 30 Miles per Week to
Week 1 |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Total |
5 |
4 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
8 |
10 |
32 |
Week 2 |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Total |
5 |
6 |
0 |
6 |
0 |
9 |
10 |
36 |
Week 3 |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Total |
4 |
5 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
9 |
10 |
32 |
Week 4 |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Total |
5 |
6 |
0 |
7 |
0 |
9 |
10 |
37 |
Week 5 |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Total |
5 |
7 |
0 |
7 |
0 |
8 |
11 |
38 |
Week 6 |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Total |
5 |
7 |
0 |
19 |
0 |
9 |
12 |
40 |
Back To Top
 Running hills is
the best way to build endurance. Try these workouts:
- Find a hill that
will take you about one-minute to run up. Warm-up at least ten minutes, then
run from the base of the hill to the top at the same pace you run on flat
ground. Concentrate on form: lift your knees, keep your head up and pump your
arms more than usual. Continue running for ten to twenty seconds beyond the
crest. Then very slowly jog, or even walk, back down.
- Run the hill four
times in week 7. Weeks 8 and 9 run it six times.
- Run the hill on
Tuesday, your longest mileage day during the week. Warming-up, running the hill
and cooling-down should total five miles.
- Find a one-mile
stretch of road with two or three rolling hills. Run the course out and back
after warming-up for at least ten minutes. Run slightly slower on the flat
portions of road between hills, then pick your pace up a bit on the
- Run the hilly
course on Tuesday. Your warm-up and cool-down should total three
- Run the course in
weeks 7, 8 and 9.
- Warm-up at least
ten minutes on a treadmill set at a 1% grade. After youve warmed-up,
raise the grade to 2% for one minute. Lower it to 1%. Then raise it to 3% for
one minute and lower it again to 1%. Raise it to 4% for one minute, lower it to
1%, then raise it to 4% again. Cool-down. Do this workout on Tuesday in week
- In weeks 8 and 9,
run a total of four minutes at a 4% grade, with a one-minute rest (at 1% grade)
in between each.
To Top
Hill workouts are
great for making you stronger. Now all you need to do to get ready for that
first 5K or 10K of the season is to throw in some speed. Here's how you'll do
it. Run harder than your regular training pace for a total of ten to
fifteen minutes during either your Saturday or Sunday workouts in weeks 7, 8
and 9. Don't run the ten or fifteen minutes all at one time. Break it up into
short segments, two to three minutes max. For instance, if your Saturday run is
scheduled for six miles, warm up at least a mile, then run hard to a certain
point such as a fence or maybe a tree. Run easy for a few minutes, then run
hard again to another spot, perhaps a stop sign. Continue with hard/easy
running until you've run a total of ten to fifteen minutes. Your warm-up, speed
play and cool-down should total near the six miles scheduled for the day.
Have fun with these workouts! This type of training is known as
speed-play for good reason. Enjoy yourself; don't worry about trying to run a
specific distance in a certain amount of time. Pretend you're running your
race. Make believe that the tree half a block down the road is another runner
you're trying to beat. Run hard to that point, then back off.
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It's a good idea
to monitor your heart rate when you're training. If
your resting (morning) heart rate varies more than a beat or two per minute,
you're working too hard and not getting enough rest. Here's how you determine
your resting heart rate.
- First thing in the
morning, measure your pulse at your wrist (or better yet, use your
heart rate monitor and see the visual readout.)
CAUTION: take your pulse after you've relieved your bladder. Once you've
used the bathroom, lie back down and rest for a minute or two so your heart
rate can go back down. Place your index finger and middle finger (DONT
USE YOUR THUMB!) against the inside of your wrist, count the beats for ten
seconds and multiply by six. Voila! You now know your resting heart
- Measure your heart
rate three mornings in a row to get an average. If you notice an increase in
beats per minute, back off on your training. You may be running too hard on
your easy days.
Youll know
how hard your heart is working, if you wear a heart rate monitor while
training. To determine how hard you should (or shouldnt) be training, use
this simple formula.
- Subtract your age
from 220
- Multiply that
number by .6 and .9.
These figures are
your training ranges. For example, if youre 32 years old, your
theoretical maximum heart rate is 188. Your training ranges, therefore, should
be between 113 beats per minute and 169 beats per minute.
On your easy days,
try to keep your heart rate from going higher than 120 beats per minute. On the
harder days, when youre running hills or running fast, your heart rate
could go as high as 168 or even 170 beats per minute. When youre running
hills, your heart rate may creep up even higher, but it will quickly fall once
you have crested the hill and start jogging back down.
Back To

Drop your mileage
down a bit during race week. Run no more than fifteen miles in the five days
prior to race day. Don't do the hill workout, but do some quick pick-ups the
day before your event. Pick-ups are fast bursts of speed lasting no more than
ten to fifteen seconds. Do six to eight pick-ups after you've warmed-up at
least two miles. Once you've run the first spring race, focus on races
later in the season. Use 5K's as speed-work to prepare for a future 10K.
Replace your regular speed-play workout on Saturday or Sunday with a 5K. As
long as you don't run too hard during the week, you can safely run a 5K two or
even three times a month. Happy running!
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Claudia Piepenburg: Claudia has been
running for 21 years and is the current editor for Peak Running Performance.
She holds or has held state age-group records in Michigan, North Carolina,
Florida, Tennessee and Virginia. In 1990, she was ranked 18th fastest masters
woman in the world and 8th fastest masters woman in the U.S. in 1990 and 1991.
She competed in the 1988 Olympic Marathon Trials, was 20th woman overall in the
1987 Boston Marathon and women's winner of the 1986 Virginia Beach
Marathon. |