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Protein After Training

by Phil Campbell - Ready, Set, Go! Synergy Fitness for Time Crunched Adults

Protein is essential for building muscle.

Researchers show the daily requirement for protein increases with high-intensity fitness training. And anyone following one of the five Ready Set Go Fitness plans should consider increasing their current level of dietary protein to 1.6 to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. The chart below shows what this means in pounds rather than kilograms, (Protein nutrition and resistance exercise, 2001, Evans; Effects of exercise on dietary protein requirements, 1998, Lemon, PW).

Some supplement companies sell protein supplements loaded with sugar. Researchers conclude, "Carbohydrate has, at most, a modest effect to enhance the response to amino acid (protein) ingestion after exercise, (Effects of amino acid intake on anabolic process, 2002, Wolfe).

Daily Protein Requirements Increase For
Endurance Training & High-Intensity Strength Training

Your Weight

Moderate intensity  training*

High intensity training**

100 lbs. (45.359 kg)

54 - 63 grams

72 - 77 grams

150 (68.039 kg)

81 - 95 gm

108 - 115 gm

200 (90.718 kg)

108 - 127 gm

145 - 154 gm

* Medium-intensity formula: 1.2 to 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight.   **High-intensity formula: 1.6 to 1.7 grams

What does this mean to you?

Time-crunched adults frequently find it hard to reach the daily protein goal. Personally, 20 to 25 grams of protein after training helps to reach the daily protein goal. And it seems to lessen the desire for dietary sugar.

The following Protein Quick List for after training nourishment may be helpful.


Water packed TUNA

6 oz. = 25 grams

Chicken / Fish / Beef

4 oz



Nutritional Yeast

8 Tbsp.

Beef / Turkey Jerky

1 Cup

Cashew nuts

1 ¼ cup

Protein Supplement

1 scoop

Have a great day!

Phil Campbell, M.S., M.A., FACHE
Author Ready, Set, GO! Synergy Fitness


National Institutes of Health research cited in newsletter,
Research Summary1
Research Summary 2

NOTE: The purpose of this article is to expand thinking about fitness as an informational source for readers, and is not medical advice. Before attempting the Synergy Fitness program, the Sprint 8 Workout, or any high-intensity exercise program, consult your physician. This is not just a liability warning; it's wise to have a baseline medical exam before beginning a fitness program. Make your physician a partner in your fitness improvement plan.

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