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Healthy, Hearty Zone Diet Meals In Seconds!

From eDiets - The online diet, fitness, and healthy living resource

Who better to whip up a cookbook about the best Zone recipes than the woman who helped put the Zone Diet on the map?

Lynn & Barry Sears Lynn Sears is the not-so-silent partner of her husband, Zone Diet founder Barry Sears. She's now leaving the kitchen to speak out about their latest collaboration, Zone Meals in Seconds. Thanks to Lynn's culinary genius, the convenience-friendly -- not to mention eDiets-offered -- weight loss plan just got even easier to follow!

Lynn has come a long way as far as recipes and cooking are concerned.

“By default I became the first Zone test cook," Lynn tells eDiets in this juicy exclusive. "I don’t like to cook. About 1988, I was fat and dumpy and I wore a size 14.

"Barry came across an article about how the caveman ate at that time with no grains on earth. They had to eat lean meats and berries and veggies. The first thing he asked me to do was remove the starches like pasta and rice from our meals. That’s how the Zone began.”

From those humble beginnings 15 years ago, the former reporter and current online editor of has perfected quick-and-easy meal preparation. Lynn, who’s now a size 2, stresses that if she can do it, anyone can! She jokes that her favorite "mealtime preparation" is getting dressed and going out to eat!

Despite her admitted shortcomings in the kitchen, Lynn says her secret to success is reducing basic recipes to their simplest terms.

For starters, it’s important to know how to eat in the Zone. The key is to fill your plate with 1/3 low-fat protein (enough chicken, lean ground beef or shrimp to fit in the palm of your hand, without being thicker than your hand) and 2/3 fresh fruits and vegetables (broccoli, tomatoes, green beans, apples, strawberries, etc.). Round off your meal with a dash of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, such as olive oil, slivered almonds or guacamole.

A Week In The Zone is easy -- this is just easier," Lynn says. "Its the easiest book youll ever see. You can jump in at any level. You can start out the way we did with no rice, potatoes and bread. Or you can learn a few Zone rules like the hand-eye method of filling your plate by making good protein choices and fill the rest of the plate with fruits and vegetables.

Through his commonsensical approach, Dr. Barry Sears has gotten weight loss down to a science. He’s published nine Zone books that have sold more than four million copies. His super-effective program has worked for many satisfied customers... including his own wife who says she couldn’t lose weight no matter what she tried.

I tried everything from high-carb diets to high-protein diets and nothing worked," Lynn claims. "I would get a Women’s Day or Family Circle magazine every week. They would have 'the diet to end all diets' and there would also be a picture of a cake with the recipe inside. Id try the diet, last two or three meals, then Id eat everything in sight, make the cake recipe and eat it too.

Lynn is now trying to help others find health and happiness in the Zone. While Mastering The Zone and The Zone may concentrate more on the science behind the renowned eating regimen, Zone Meals in Seconds concentrates on the practicality of the diet.

“We have combination tips for kids," Lynn notes. "We tell people how to avoid the vending machines in the office. We show people how to dine when you’re surrounded by fast food or when it’s a special occasion. Basically, we show you how to use the Zone in every aspect of your life.”

In addition to those helpful hints, Barry says you’ll also find tips on using a slow cooker to prepare meals, enjoying a salad bar, safe snacking and dining in restaurants. To sum it up, there’s something for everyone, he says.

“The whole key is to make it simple for the user so they can say I can do this,” Barry tells eDiets.

In Zone Meals In Seconds, there are more than 150 recipes ranging from Chicken Minestrone to Roasted Turkey Breast In Spicy Mustard to Zoned Apple Pie Pudding. There are also mini menus, detailed shopping lists and Zone dietary guidelines at your disposal.

From the future best-seller, here are nine things to keep in mind when you are food shopping:

1. Buy eggs and dairy products once every week or two, as needed. Check the “sell-by” date on packages.

2. Shop for fresh fruits and vegetables at least once or twice a week.

3. Frozen vegetables and fruits keep for months in the freezer. The limiting factor is the size of your freezer. If space permits, you may want to stock up so you don’t have to shop for these more than once every two to four weeks.

4. Purchase fresh fish, poultry and meat several times a week. You can freeze fresh meat, poultry and fish (provided it’s tightly wrapped) for later use if the meats have not been previously frozen. Buying and freezing multiple packages is a great timesaver. If you are using Zone Food Blocks, dividing meat into portion sizes saves even more time.

5. Frozen fish, poultry, and meat may be purchased once a week, once a month or once every few months. Since these items will keep well in the freezer for six to 12 months, you may want to stock up, particularly when your favorite cuts and varieties are on sale.

6. Protein powders will last for many months, so buy them as you need them. Stock up on large canisters if you use protein powder daily. You’ll save money.

7. Shop for bottled condiments, canned vegetables, tomato sauce, canned beans, steel-cut oatmeal, barley and vegetables as often as you like. Since they keep well at room temperature for more than a year (before opening or cooking), you may want to buy the items you use most in double or triple amounts to reduce shopping frequency to once every three to six weeks.

8. If your dried herbs and spices are several years old, you’ll do well to toss them into the trash or compost heap and start over. If you buy quality dried herbs and spices, they should remain flavorful and fragrant for up to a year. Buy more as needed.

9. Buy nuts, seeds, and unrefined oils as often as you like but definitely store them in the refrigerator or freezer to retard spoilage. Olive oil does not have to be refrigerated.

Zone Meals in Seconds: 150 Fast and Delicious Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
Zone Meals in Seconds: 150 Fast and Delicious Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

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