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Women and High Intensity Exercise

by Phil Campbell - Ready, Set, Go! Synergy Fitness for Time Crunched Adults

Do women get the same benefit as men from high-intensity exercise?
No. Women get a better response!

Researchers show that women actually get a slightly better growth hormone response from high-intensity exercise than men.

Leading researchers from the University of Virginia Clinical Research Center conclude; "Gender comparisons revealed that women had greater production rate, and a trend for a greater mass of G H secreted per pulse than men," (Gender governs the relationship between exercise intensity and growth hormone release in young adults, 2002, Pritzlaff-Roy).

What Does this Study Mean to You?

Since researchers show that exercise induced growth hormone release occurs in a linear dose-response to high-intensity training, perhaps it's worth the time to evaluate your current fitness program and ask the question, "Am I really training with intensity, or am I just going through the motions for long time periods?"

Frequently Asked Question

Do I have to actually run the Sprint 8 Workout, or is there another way? You can achieve the same results with your favorite piece of cardio equipment -- treadmill, exercise cycle, recumbent bike (sitting back, with legs raised in front of you), stepper, or elliptical unit. Many other methods can be used for the Sprint 8 Workout. You just need to hit the four growth hormone release benchmarks listed in Ready Set Go! Synergy Fitness.

The Take Home

After physician clearance, begin a comprehensive fitness program like Level One Ready Set Go Fitness (there are five programs for five different fitness levels), and progressively increase training intensities for maximum results.

Have a great day!

Phil Campbell, M.S., M.A.,


National Institutes of Health research cited in newsletter
Research Summary

NOTE: The purpose of this article is to expand thinking about fitness as an informational source for readers, and is not medical advice. Before attempting the Synergy Fitness program, the Sprint 8 Workout, or any high-intensity exercise program, consult your physician. This is not just a liability warning; it's wise to have a baseline medical exam before beginning a fitness program. Make your physician a partner in your fitness improvement plan.

The goal of BODi is to provide you with solutions to reach your health and fitness goals.
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